By: Richard Mullah

The National Public Procurement Authority (NPPA) on the 18th October, 2022, launched the 4th Quarter Public Procurement Price Norm.

The ceremony took place at the Ministry of Planning and Economic Development Conference Room, Tower Hill, Freetown.

According to the Chief Executive of NPPA, Ibrahim Brima Swarray he said that Price Norm is a control mechanism that is drawn from a holistic market survey of commonly used items but does not seek to control the prices in the market.

He stated that NPPA code of ethics is the life of the institution.

Mr Swarray went on to say his institution has sent the price norm to various stakeholders and they are expected to give in returns, and he really wants to see input in practicing procurement officers.

He said as an institution they are getting a memo out and he expects every practicing procurement practitioners to take their time to read and see how they can have input on it, stating that they cannot just jump into 2023 rules as practitioner.

He furthered that they are supposed to be guided to see procurement as a profession that can be of envy and implementing the code of ethics that binds everyone.

He concluded that as an institution or regulating body they have completed the memo and will be shared to everyone in Sierra Leone, Adding that the memo will be out before the end of the week so that people can read and make their own input.

Assistant Director, Procurement Directorate,  Ministry of Finance, Mr Easmond Alpha, stated that the objective of the event can’t be overemphasized, saying that however, the spirit and energy harnessed to develop the 4th Quarter 2022 Public Procurement Price Norm is in accordance with Section 14, sub sections (1), 2 (a)(n) of the Public Procurement Act of 2016.

Mr Easmond said that the outcome has been realized through the gathering and analysis of market data that could be used to standardize prices across the board to enhance value for money, accountability and transparency as the core principle in the Sierra Leone Public procurement.

“Price norm has evolved to the extent that it is been utilized by procurement officers, evaluation and procurement committees, investigators and others player to reduce fiduciary risks as guided by the legal framework of Public Procurement and Public Financial Management” he disclosed.

Mr Easmond concluded his statement that procurement practitioners should harness updated price norms that will be developed by NPPA from time to time to guide their processes and discourage mischievous players that may want to exploit the system, to their own strength to acquire undue advantage.

He said the document will be shared on their website to ease access to bidders, procurement practitioners, and other entities to prepare their bids and use it as a resource for any research, investigation.

Member of the Board of the NPPA, Daniel Moijueh in his statement said the NPPA is charged to regulate, harmonize and make recommendations to government in what they do to get the best value of government money which he said they play with every day.

Daniel Moijueh in his conclusion encouraged procurement practitioners to share information as professionals adding that the world is now are living in a digitalized, where information is sent within seconds.

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