By: PSRU Communications Unit

The Public Sector Reform Unit, PSRU converge in Kenema on a three-day retreat to develop their strategic and activity plans for 2025. The theme for this year’s retreat “Embracing the Government Reform Agenda in Transforming the Public Sector Architecture” is consistent with the Medium Term National Development Plan, MTNDP, as it will play a pivotal role in driving the transformation of government institutions in terms of enhancing efficiency, transparency and service delivery.

In his opening statement the director of PSRU, Mr. Sulaiman Phoray Musa states that the essence of the retreat was to take stock of the institution’s achievement in the year under review and what it intends doing in 2025, taking into consideration lessons learnt and challenges.

He noted that the achievements and milestone for 2024 culminated from the Makambo retreat in Makeni in 2023 that mapped out fifteen critical pillars that were agreed to propel PSRU. Over 90 percent of these goals set from 2024 have been achieved, he highlighted.

The Director explained that PSRU has been restructured and revamped with a revised organogram in addition to the recruitment of critical technical personnel that will drive the vision, mission and mandate of PSRU.

Mr. Phoray-Musa revealed that he is comforted by the fact that he now has a crop of talented Sierra Leoneans that are determined to sacrifice and give their best for the good of the institution. I cannot be able to achieve all these without your support and urged staff members to continue to be selfless for the good of PSRU and the nation as a whole, he stressed.

The facilitator of the retreat Mr. Ibrahim S Kamara expresses his pride and joy to join the PSRU team and add his voice and knowledge in the historic event. He says planning is important as it shows the ambition to succeed. There are various vital factors that enable an institution to succeed among them are Human Resource and Financial Capacity and encourage PSRU to plan around them.

The Chief of Programs, PSRU Mr. Albert Williams gave an in-depth overview of the 15 point resolutions reached at Makambo retreat among which are the development of a Legal framework that will transform PSRU, high level engagement with relevant stakeholders, review of the Strategic Plan, review of MFR tools, development of an Operational and HR Manual, conduct Training needs assessment, redesign of the PSRU Website and the development of a Resource Mobilization Strategy.

Heads of departments of Corporate Services, Institutional Reforms, Policy, Research, Monitoring and Evaluation, Communications, Project and Resource Mobilization, Accounts and Finance presented an update on their activities, achievements and challenges for 2024 including a detailed work plan for 2025.



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