By: Problyn J Alpha
Residents of Bo municipality and it’s environs have applauded the regional police commander south Assistant Inspector General of police (AIG)Harold Andrew Michael Charles Hanciles for a professional and watertight security so far provided in his jurisdiction especially the municipality of Bo which prior to now has been described as a crime zone.
Some of the residents of Bo who spoke to this medium described AIG Hanciles as one of the best AIGS in the sierra Leone police force whose tenure of office has a cleaned and clear leadership records that has worked tirelessly in the southern region to maintain peace and tranquility thereby ensuring that the lives and property of the people he works for are well protected.
Peter James a senior secondary school teacher who is also one of the residents of Bo that spoke to this medium maintained that AIG Hanciles is doing a great job by enforcing the laws for everyone and again intermittently interfacing with members of the different communities in his operational areas for the people to throw support to the police in the dispensation of their duties.
The senior secondary school teacher pointed out that it is only now that they are proud to go to bed with both eyes closed because of the professional and watertight security provided by AIG Hanciles and his personnel.
When asked to know his take on the said accolades accorded to his leadership?
The assistant lnspector General of police southern region was very confident to say that the accolades didn’t come as a surprise owing to his leadership experience coupled with the length of service in the police force.
“l am not an armchair leader who doesn’t know how to fight crime and as a professionally trained police officer endowed with so many wealth of experience l was reliably informed about drugs trafficking, intakes and other felonious crimes which have been the recipe for committing crimes in the municipality of Bo and the southern region as a whole”, AIG Hanciles opined.
The southern region police boss concluded by saying he was serving his conscience and aware of the fact that there is a creator of the Heavens and earth (God).
Credibility and professionalism to meet the abounding expectations of the people should be the utmost concerns of every police officer AIG Harold Ambrose Michael Charles Hanciles stressed.