Victor Korseh Hindowais a man with a long and outstanding career in development work and has thrown his hat into the ring for the position of Bo District Council chairmanship. It looked initially like a crowded field of contestants but that has been narrowed to just two people now, himself and councillor Mawendeh. 

Bo district is rapidly expanding and the council needs a capable and credible hand to steer the ship. The outgone chairman, Joseph Munda Bindi delivered on some key development projects ranging from education, health, roads and infrastructure. And a younger generation of residents is vying for the position this time. 

An academic and development specialist, Victor Korseh Hindowa is a leading candidate. He is an academic giant with a Master’s degree and has worked on development projects within the Bo district for a long time. 

He doesn’t like to be referred to as an outsider even when he has never been a councillor unlike his opponent, Mawendeh. There is a legacy that he can point to when he worked with the council through his then CARITAS office. He helped to give his community 200 water wells especially after the war when the water supply was very inadequate in Bo.

 Aspirant Korseh Hindowa helped to develop the council’s strategic development plan in line with the Mid-Term Development Plan of the central government. His mantra is ” anyone wanting to be council chairman must be of relevance and competence”. He reminded the people of Bo that during the windstorm he spearheaded the provisions of relief items for affected people. 

“I can beat any opponent hands down to secure the symbol for the SLPP chairmanship”. In this contest, the only hurdle is securing the symbol from the SLPP executive as this is the base of the party with a nearly 100% chance of winning the council again.

Victor Korseh Hindowa also has a religious side of him as he is a regional Bishop of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Asked about his relationship with the party executive he described it as ” cordial”, and chose not to go deep into the details. He helped liberate his district and by extension his country when he volunteered as a ” Kamajor” during the eleven-year war. On revenue generation, he boasts of being an expert in that as he has helped secure grants for the government school feeding project through CARITAS Bo. 

He said overreliance on government subvention is something he will try to avoid when he becomes chairman. And that he will use the carrots-and-stick approach to get residents to pay their dues and taxes. He ended up by saying that he will make sure people see the value of their tax money. 

Most people within his church and in the Bo district expressed optimism that Victor Korseh Hindowa will clinch the seat to become the next Chairman of the BO district council.

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