January 28, 2022

By Audrey John

Ishmeal Beah an author and United Nations International Children Emergency Fund (UNICEF) ambassador has narrated how his security guard looted his house and carted away with properties worth over three hundred million Leones.

The accused persons, Ibrahim Dundas, Zainab Kamara, Mohamed Maada Kamara and Lucy Bockarie are before magistrate Sahr Kekura of Pademba Road Court No 1 for Preliminary Investigation for larceny and receiving stolen goods.

It was alleged on the charge sheet that first accused, Ibrahim Dundas on Saturday 1st January, 2022 at Baw Baw village, off peninsula Road, Freetown, stole properties worth three hundred and seventy six million one hundred and twelve thousand five hundred leones (Le376,112,500/00) belonging to complainant Ishmael Beah.

From count two to four, the second, third and fourth accused persons received the said stolen properties from first accused Ibrahim Dundas worth the above value knowing same to have been stolen from complainant Ishmeal Beah.

Taking the witness stand, and led by sergeant Lahai, complainant Ishmeal Beah recognized first accused as his security guard and the three others in respect of the matter.

He said he came from up county with his wife Pricilla and children on the 1at of January, 2022 and noticed that some of his properties are missing.

He identified the list of properties missing before the court and the list was marked to form part of the prosecution’s case.

When questioned as to the cost of the he missing properties, complainant said they cost three hundred and seventy six million, one hundred and twelve thousand five hundred Leones.

Explaining further, complainant said when he discovered that his properties are missing he called on Adonkia police station and one sergeant Bellia surface and questioned all those present and later take them to the station.

Complainant said after obtaining statement from all parties present, the police prepared search warrant. He said the search warrant was first executed at the premise shown by first accused and on arrival the owner of the said premise denied knowing him.

Complainant said they proceeded to another premise at Goderich shown by the accused where he identified  some of his suitcase and other properties listed.

He said they pack all the stolen items discovered taken them to the station where the first accused later confessed committing the crime.

Complainant identified the search warrant prepared by the police before going for the search.

In continuation of his examination in chief, complainant said first accused later went and shows them where he sold some of the properties.

He said they visited the premises of second, third and fourth accused persons and the police took out the items which he identified has theirs. “My Lord when the police questioned them as to where they get those properties, they responded that they bought them from first accused”, complainant stated.

At the dock, forth accused buttressed what and what they found on her.

Complainant said after exhausting all the search warrant, he made statement to the police.

Having heard the evidence of complainant magistrate Sahr Kekura refused the first accused bail and adjourned the matter to 7th of February, 2022.  


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