Members of the “Tegloma Mother’s Club” in Motuo Kpanda Kemoh Chiefdom, Bonthe District are said to be complementing the Free quality Education after the clarion call of President Julius Maada Bio. This is as a result of the club providing uniforms and other learning materials including cooked food, water and assorted soft drinks for the pupils of the United Brethren in Christ Primary School in Motuo, especially for those attempting the Mock Finals and the NPSE every year.

This is according to the Chairlady of the aforementioned club Christiana Hawa Kargbo when talking to our correspondent in an exclusive interview over the weekend upon his visit to Bonthe District.

Miss Kargbo who is also a teacher  at the  UBC Primary School in Motuo Kpanda  Kemoh Chiefdom Bonthe District  maintained that the proceeds of their monthly subscription   as members of the Tegloma mothers Club are usually  utilised to extend such gestures to the pupils whom she  described as  the future  leaders of Bonthe District and the country as a whole.

 She pointed out that apart from the provision of the highlighted materials to their beneficiaries every year, they also engage the children with messages of hope and love which is supposed to exist between parents and their children or wards.

Asked to know the rationale behind the  formation of the club Christiana Hawa  Kargbo intimated that the  club was established  just after the  decade  war in the Country when children  especially  the girl  child never values education, thus early marriage, teenage  pregnancy and other sexual related  offences where the order of  the  day.

She noted that since the formation of the club, the aforesaid vices have drastically reduced in the Chiefdom and Bonthe District as a whole.

 She said the importance of their yearly intervention cannot be overemphasized as it has made the school to champion most of the external examinations in Bonthe District over the years and therefore urged the pupils to take their academic work seriously.

 She urged parents to fully support the children as quality education is better than Diamonds, silver and gold.

 Concluding, the Chairlady of the  Tegloma Mothers  club  in Motuo Kpanda  Kemoh  Chiefdom, Bonthe  District Christiana  Hawa Kargbo thanked  the community  people  especially  local authorities  for instituting  bye laws  for the proper  upbringing of the children in Motuo town Kpanda  Kemoh Chiefdom and Bonthe  District as a whole.

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