In an unexpected alliance, the Southern Regional Police Commander, Assistant Inspector General of Police (AIG) Mr. Brima Kanneh, joined forces with the Local Policing Partnership Board (LPPB) in a groundbreaking endeavor against illicit drugs. A novel spectacle unfolded on Saturday as the Sierra Leone Police Force clashed with the Republic of Sierra Leone Armed Forces (RSLAF) in a friendly football match aimed at tackling drug trafficking, abuse, and associated crimes.

This innovative campaign encompasses a holistic strategy comprising awareness campaigns, robust law enforcement, and crucial support for those affected by drug abuse. The Regional Commander underscored the relentless enforcement of laws concerning drug trafficking and possession. Their strategy involves regular patrols, surveillance, and targeted investigations to apprehend drug dealers and traffickers. Rigorous monitoring at borders serves to prevent the influx of illegal drugs into the Southern region.

Ahead of the kickoff at the Bo East football field, Mr. Kanneh emphasized the campaign’s importance in combatting drug-related issues. He highlighted their dedication to community engagement through various sensitization programs held within Bo. Schools took center stage in disseminating information about the dangers of illicit drugs, with a particular focus on addressing concerns surrounding ‘kush’.

The football match concluded in a 1-1 draw between the SLP and RSLAF, fostering an environment of unity that echoed the shared commitment of both forces in the battle against drugs. This unconventional fusion of sportsmanship and law enforcement signals a promising shift in combatting drug-related crimes across Sierra Leone’s Southern region.


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