In a bid to address unemployment among the youth, Issa Munu, the President of the Car Wash Union, officially inaugurated the National Union of Car Wash in Sierra Leone. The initiative, backed by the Ministry of Youth Affairs, aims to provide viable employment opportunities, a crucial aspect of President Bio’s agenda for the nation.

During the launch ceremony held at the National Stadium Car Park, Back of Stand Seventeen Car Wash Centre, Munu expressed gratitude to President Bio for enabling the creation of decent jobs for the youth. He emphasized the significant impact of this initiative in steering young individuals away from destructive habits such as drug abuse, noting that 38 car wash centers have been established nationwide, with one serving as the headquarters.

Deputy Minister of Youth Affairs, Patrick Michaelson Gibrilla, speaking on behalf of the Chief Minister, underscored the government’s commitment to youth empowerment. Gibrilla disclosed that President Bio sanctioned and facilitated the establishment of these car wash centers across various locations, emphasizing their role in providing employment opportunities for the youth.

With a focus on job creation, the initiative has already generated 1,500 employment opportunities for young people, with plans to further expand and consolidate efforts. Minister Gibrilla highlighted additional projects, including the distribution of four hundred Kekes and the establishment of one hundred and ninety-two farms, aimed at bolstering employment prospects for the youth.

The collaboration between the government, private sector, and youth organizations such as the Car Wash Union signifies a concerted effort to tackle unemployment and foster economic growth in Sierra Leone. As the initiative gains momentum, efforts will be directed towards monitoring and ensuring the effectiveness of these employment-generating ventures nationwide.


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