Women fall for things that men consider to be cheesy (such as romantic bedtime stories) but let’s be honest; there is a high possibility to get the woman you really if you set your mind to it and with the help of some seriously cute but romantic pick-up lines.

You could become a master at flirting; you could even become a hopeless romantic in the eyes of every woman and most women loves that very much, those cute pick-up lines can go a long way for some ladies.

I know that some of you are probably not used to this kind of approach to women, but be honest; you know that these things do work in most cases. Also, all of these pick-up lines will provide you with the perfect icebreaker that can help you start a conversation with a woman who caught your eye and get to know her better or even invite her for a drink or dinner.

First impressions are those that last the longest. So don’t brush it off.

Don’t take this too seriously and risk losing all the fun in the process. Keep it light but sincere because most women can always tell when they are being lied to and that may totally ruin your chances with her so always be honest about who you truly are and don’t fake it.

Beautiful things you tell her only count if you deliver them honestly and playfully. Here are some good pick-up lines and sweet words to make her smile that will help you to kick start flirtatious conversations with the girl you like and gauge her level of interest in you.

You are so beautiful that you give the sun a reason to shine.

You must be a magician, because every time I look at you, you make everything else disappear.

I love you with all my circle, not my heart. Because hearts break, but a circle goes on forever.

How can people love when I’m using the world’s supply on you?

Why would I want to look at the stars when I can stare into your eyes?

I just want you to know that every time I picture myself happy, it’s always with you.

If God made anything more perfect than you, he must have kept it to himself.

You are my compass. Without you, I’m lost.

If the sky lost a star every time I thought about you, then tonight the sky would be empty.

There isn’t a painter in this world who could create a work of art that is as beautiful as you.

If I had a rose every time I thought of you, I would be walking through my garden forever.

Damn, I wish I had never met you. Because tonight I won’t be able to fall asleep, for I know that something as beautiful as you actually exist.

All these and more may help you in trying to get the attention of a lady or trying to steal her heart. So go steal that lady’s heart.

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