Bishop Archibald Cole

The General Overseer of New Life Ministries International, His Grace Bishop Jonathan Archibald Cole has on the 13th April, 2022 described the father of Sierra Leone’s Chief Justice, Late Pa Egerton Jonathan Edwards as a great man and leader who accomplished the purpose of life before his death.
Preaching on the theme: “Journey to the end,” Bishop Archibald Cole told the congregants that every man has a purpose in life and to accomplish that purpose one must willingly serve God till the end of his own journey.
According to him, that purpose has been accomplished by the late Pa. EJ Edwards.
“Life is a journey that comes to an end,” said Bishop Archibald Cole.
In her tribute, the President of Methodist Lay-Preachers Association, Mrs. Hannah Kawaley said the late man maintained Christian integrity, stating that, “a mighty man has fallen.”
He was a civil servant enrolled at the Income Tax Department now the National Revenue Authority (NRA) where he rose from Tax Inspector to Deputy Commissioner and later retired at the age of 55 years.
As a member of the New Life Ministries, the late Pa E.J Edwards was conferred with Honorary title Pastor Emeritus until his death.
He got married to Mrs (late) Oluremi Joan Ethel and they were blessed with four children, Elizabeth, Glenna, Jonathan and Babatunde.
The two died long ago and he is survived by Elizabeth Newman-Samuels and His Lordship Justice Desmond Babatunde Edwards.
Mourners from different walks of life sympathized with the bereaved family.
On behalf of the bereaved family, His Lordship Justice Desmond Babatunde Edwards expressed his heartfelt appreciation and gratitude to those who expressed their love and kindness throughout this difficult time.
The late Pa. Edgerton Jonathan Edwards was born on 22nd November 1929 and died on 30th March, 2022, aged 92 years.
He was laid to rest at the Murray Town Cemetery.