By: Morlai Gbla (Kambia District)

Two years ago the European Union provided 2.5 million euro Grant to the people of Kambia District through its district council for implementation of developmental activities in the District. This project started in 2020 but because there were some delay in the disbursement of funds from the European Union to the Kambia district council this led the district council to start implementation in 2022.

According to the project management unit (PMU) of the European Union that the whole implementation started late because the needs assessment that was first conducted was not successful this led to another second assessment to cross check all proposed site before implementation started.

The head of the project management unit continue to explain that they find out that few of the District that  benefited from the European Union Grant were unable to secured legal ownership for the proposed site where the facilities should have been installed this is why the second assessment was conducted he ended.

In March 2022 the Kambia district council started the implementation of the 2.5 million euro project.

According to the chief Administrator of Kambia District council Dr. Edward Alpha said the project is made up of two components both the soft and the hard components, the soft component which has to do with training of council staffs, sector heads and farmers have been successfully completed while the hard component is presently in implementation which has to do with infrastructural development that is the extension of Kambia District council offices, the fencing of the Kambia district resource center and the Rehabilitation of Kambia District council Hall.

Dr. Edward Alpha further explained that there are more infrastructural works to be implemented before the final year of the project especially the construction of roads, bridges, development of Kambia District lorrypark and a Guest house at the border between Sierra Leone and Guinea.

Dr. Alpha added that the project by indication supposed to end in 2023 but there will be additional time line because of the late implementation and there will be no additional resources. He called on the media, civil society organizations, and the general public in Kambia District to properly monitor the implementation of the project he ended.

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