By Hafsatu Z Bangura

During the course of the cross examination by Defense Counsel for the 4th accused Dr. Samura Matthew Wilson Kamara first prosecution Witness exonerates the 4th Accused person Dr. Samura Kamara in respect of the indictment of the 4th accused person on issues of procurement in respect of the chancery building of which the 4th accused and others are standing trial at the high court No.1 presided over by Justice Adrian Fisher.

First Prosecution Witness Mr. Joseph Bockarie Noah in his testimony in court by defense counsel said that during the course of the investigation as put out to him that if there was any evidence found against the fourth accused being a member of the procurement committee and prosecution witness responded saying there was no evidence found against the 4thy accused showing that he was part of any procurement committee nor was he a member of the technical evaluation committee.

Defense counsel Ady Maculey continued with the cross examination question to first prosecution witness Joseph B Noah saying if the Anti-Corruption during investigations of the 4th accused person found out if it was the 4th accused that awarded the contract to fair field construction in respect to the renovation to the rehabilitation of the New York Chancery Building in which the first prosecution witness responded to by saying he played a part and was given exhibit F1-36.

In relation to the indictment he is standing trial at the high court the prosecution witness was asked to read the caution statement of the 4th accused of the 4th accused of how procurement procedures were done in which the prosecution witness read from the caution statement of the 4th accused that the 4th accused said he cannot state as all procurement procedures were done by the head of chancery (Mr. Alusine Sesay) and that all procurement procedures had to do with the then head of chancery.

Defense counsel for the 5th accused Teddy Koroma in his cross examination asked the prosecution witness the designation of the 5th accused at the time of the mission of the rehabilitation of the chancery building his response was that he cannot tell the position of the 5th accused but was the financial attaché and asked if the 5th accused was answerable to anyone the prosecution witness responded saying that the 5th accused was answerable to the head of chancery and was supervised by the head of chancery and that according to the 5th accused statement he was posted to the mission in August 2018 and that the date of the contract was signed in October 2018.

As to the 5th accused knowledge in the matter the defense counsel for the 5th accused in court said to the witness that his knowledge in his field is very limited and the witness responded saying that he has little knowledge depending on the questions put to him.

The matter has been adjourned for furthering hearing on Wednesday 6th April 2022.

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