The Chief Executive Officer of Legacy VIP Entertainment Centre, Tamba Songu Mbriwa, known as CEO Justin, has called on the government to establish rehabilitation centers across the country to address the rising issue of Kush addiction. His appeal was made during a visit by Madam Maltida Sellu, the wife of the Inspector General of the Sierra Leone Police Force and President of the Sierra Leone Police Wives Association, to Kono District. The visit was part of a campaign to raise awareness and fight against the use of Kush and other harmful drugs.

In his address, CEO Justin emphasized that the current approach of arresting and imprisoning Kush users is ineffective and counterproductive. He pointed out that despite numerous arrests, the consumption of Kush and other substances continues to rise. “The imprisonment of Kush victims does not solve the problem but rather exacerbates it,” he stated.

Mr. Mbriwa highlighted the severe impact of Kush on Sierra Leone’s youth, describing the substance as detrimental to the nation’s demographic strength. He warned that the widespread addiction has not only reduced the country’s population but has also made Sierra Leone more vulnerable on the global stage. “It is widely believed that population is strength. If that’s true, Sierra Leone has lost her strength to Kush,” he lamented.

The CEO’s plea is rooted in a belief that rehabilitation, rather than punishment, is the key to tackling the Kush crisis. He called on the government to shift its focus from imprisonment to the rehabilitation of those affected by Kush. “We need to stop imprisoning Kush victims and instead rehabilitate them for the betterment of our country,” he urged.

Madam Maltida Sellu’s visit to Kono District is part of a broader effort by the Sierra Leone Police Wives Association to combat drug abuse. The association’s campaign aims to educate the public about the dangers of drug use and to advocate for more supportive measures for addicts.

The call for rehabilitation centers comes at a critical time, as the nation grapples with the consequences of drug addiction. With the support of influential voices like CEO Justin and the Sierra Leone Police Wives Association, there is hope that the government will take decisive action to address this growing crisis.

As Sierra Leone confronts this challenge, the appeal for rehabilitation centers represents a significant step towards a more compassionate and effective approach to drug addiction. The establishment of these centers could provide much-needed support and recovery for countless individuals, ultimately contributing to a healthier and stronger nation.


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