By: Audrey John

44yrs old Kaday Kadiatu Kargbo made another appearance before Magistrate Sahr Keikura of Pademba road court No.1 in Freetown on two count charges ranging from Obtaining money by false pretenses contrary to section 32 (1) of the Larceny Act 1916.

According to the particulars of offence on a date unknown between 1st to 31st March 2022 the western area in Freetown with intent to defraud obtained the obtained the sum of one million five hundred thousand Leones(1,500,000) from Fatmata Koroma by falsely pretending that you will facilitate the release of Isatu  Fornah from the female Correctional center, knowing same to be false on count two at the same place and date with intent to defraud obtained the sum of one million five hundred thousand Leones(1,500,000) from Mr Kobba by falsely pretending that she will facilitate the release of Isatu Fornah from the female Correctional center knowing same to be false.

On her first appearance the charges were read and explained to the accused person and she pleaded guilty.

The prosecutor indicate to the court that facts as charged and there’s no previous records

However Magistrate Kekura in delivering his ruling said that the accused person having pleaded guilty and taken into consideration that she is a first time offender.

She was sentenced to twelve months imprisonment at the female Correctional center in Freetown or pay a fine of two million Leones to the state

Sergeant 9939 Mohamed Lahai is prosecuting the Matter.

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