On the 22nd March 2022, Justice Emmi Wright presided over the State vs Alpha Bangura, Sulaiman Kamara alias ‘Gatuso’, Abdul Bangura alias ‘Man Na Ose’, on two counts criminal charges against Jacklyn Arouni a Business Woman in Freetown Western Area.

Count one of the Statement of Offence stated that it was a conspiracy matter and count two depicts Robbery with Aggravation, contrary to section 23(1)(a) of the Larceny Act, 1961 as repealed and replaced by section 2 of the Imperial Statutes (Criminal Law) adoption (Amendment) Act no.16 of 1971.

In the Particulars of Offence, Alpha Bangura, Abdul Bangura alias ‘Man Na Ose’ and Sulaiman Kargbo alias ‘Gatuso’, on the 11th July 2020 at Freetown in the western area of Sierra Leone, conspired together and with other persons unknown to commit a felony to wit: Robbery with Aggravation, Being Armed with Machetes and Iron Bar robbed Jacklyn Arouni.

The proceeding was witnessed by 12 Jurors of the State. The Prosecution Counsel V. E Kabia made an opening statement of the case stating the Particulars of Offence and Statement of Offence and further went on to cross examine the prosecution witness (PW1) to state her case.

The PW1 Jacklyn Arouni, a Business Woman stated that Alpha Bangura works for her as a live in house help and the rest of the accused were area boys whom she knew through her house help. She said Alpha worked for her for five months.

 He started working for her at Action Aid Lumley where she had previously been residing and the incident took place at 34 Macloud Drive Smart Farm where the 3rd accused person was still working for her.

On the 11th July 2020 at 4:00 am she stated that she was sleeping when she and her four kids and two nannies heard some noise at the back of her yard and her veranda door was banged. At that time she stated that she had just lost her husband so she was so scared and terrified. She asked who it was and the three accused persons just barged into her bedroom but at that time she only recognize the third accused since he is her house help.

She further went on to explain that the three accused persons came in to her bedroom through her bedroom veranda, whilst 7 persons where at the parlor downstairs of her house and a woman was amongst them.  The seven of them came up from downstairs threatening her and her children. She said that they pulled her by her hair outside her bedroom veranda. Two of the accused were holding a gun but she was unsure whether they were real guns or fake guns and the one was carrying a machete (cutlass).

Mrs. Arouni further explained that, one of them continued pulling her by her hair, whilst the other accused pressed a gun on her 20 year old daughter’s neck and the other placed the cutlass on her nine year old son.

They ordered her to show them where she had kept her money and other valuables and since she was so scared for her children`s life and what they were doing to them she showed them where she had kept all her money and valuable jewelries and they took it all.

They stole one Samsung A5 Mobile Phone valued Three Million, Eight Hundred Thousand Leones, Six Michael Kors Wrist Watches each valued at One Million Five Hundred Thousand Leones all to the total value of Nine Million Leones, Six Hand Bags each valued Five Hundred Thousand Leones all to the total of Three Million Leones, One Blue Gold Bead Chain valued Two Hundred United States Dollars equivalent  to Two Million Leones, Assorted Gold and Silver Rings valued Fifteen Million Leones, One Thousand United States Dollars equivalent to Ten Million Leones and a Fiscal Cash of Sixty Five Million Leones; all to the total of One Hundred and Nine Million, Three Hundred Thousand Leones.

The PW1 stated that upon the arrival of her eldest son who was downstairs and rushed up her bedroom to protect her mother and siblings, the accused persons beats up her son who was 23years old as at that time. She explained that they stepped on his neck, took her mattress from her bed and covered his son with it, beating him mercilessly.

 She stated that the 3rd accuse threatened to rape her in front of her son, her son’s retaliation led to a brutal fight between him and the third accused in an attempt to protect her mother from him, her son said that he would rather get killed than to allow him to take advantage of her mother.

The witness said that she was so confused and terrified as she was constantly thinking about her children safety, especially with so many kids at her house at that time, her nieces and nephews were with her alongside her 4 kids, as that was the day of her husband’s 7th day since he had passed so the kids were there to console her. And the armed robbers were all over her place.

She stated that the 3rd accused did not rape her but they had strangled and choked her to point that she was unable to breath. The matter has been adjourned to Tuesday 26th April 2022.

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