June 17, 2021

By Audrey John

 Police witness Abdul Dumbuya has testified in the alleged Guma gate murder matter before Magistrate Sahr Kekura of Pademba road court no 1.

Ibrahim Koroma, Augustine Joseph Alie, Alhaji Koroma and Alfred Mbayo made another appearance before Magistrate Sahr Keikura of pademba road count No.1 in Freetown on two counts charges to wit Conspiracy to commit murder – contrary to law and Murder – contrary to law.

According to the charge sheet it was alleged that on the 22nd April 2021 at guma gate, regent the mountain rural district the western area in Freetown both accused conspired together and with other persons unknown to murder Kebineh Swaneh.

On count two it was alleged that both accused persons Murdered Kebineh Swaneh.

PW1 Abdul Dumbuya in his testimony, he said they sent the case and enquiry file to the director of public prosecution for legal advice on the 3rd day of June 2021.

Mr. Abdulai said they received the reply from the director of public prosecution.

 The said reply have been in the custody of the police and it was produced and tendered as exhibit H. and on the 5th day of June 2021 himself and detective sergeant 7761 Frank Marvin charge the accused persons separately.

 The witness said that they went through the legal protocols separately and each accused persons signed their charge statement separately by affixing their right hand thumb print.

 The thumb print on the statement was separately witnessed by detective sergeant 7761 Marvin F and he signed it as the recorded the file.

The witness told the bench that the charge statement has been in the custody of the police.

The charge statement was tendered as exhibits j1-2 for the 1st accused person, exhibit k1-2 for the 2nd accused person, exhibit L1-2 for the 3rd accused person and exhibit M1-2 for the 4th accused person respectively.

The witness was cross examined by the accused Lawyers M.M Tejan and D. Mansaray. The matter was prosecuted by ASP Ibrahim S Mansaray. The  matter was adjoined to the 22nd June 2021.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 


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