By Audrey John

One of the Neighbours of Retired Superintendent of Police Daniel Komba, police constable 18484 Sahr Kondeh has narrated how he was murdered by his wife Susan Komba.

 The accused , Susan Komba is before magistrate Sahr Kekura of Pademba Road Court No 1 for Preliminary  Investigation on a count charge of Manslaughter contrary to law.

It was alleged on the police charge sheet that earlier this year at Grafton police barracks, the accused murdered her husband Daniel Komba.

Taking the witness stand and led in evidence by sergeant 9155 Dwight Macarthy prosecution witness number two police constable 18484 Sahr Kondeh confirmed knowing the deceased Dennis Komba as his neighbour and recognized the accused person as the wife.

He said on the 1st December 2021 something transpired between the deceased and the accused person and when he returned home, he met the deceased sitting in his parlor.

The witness said the deceased called his younger sister Melvina to put the TV on, and upon hearing that the accused person entered the house and used abusive language on the deceased.

The witness further stated that, he advised the accused not to use such words like that on the deceased again.

He said the deceased was communicating on his phone when the accused person slap the deceased on his head and the phone fell down.

The witness further narrated that  the son of the accused Aiah Komba told the accused  not to lay her hand on the deceased again, but the accused person started raining invectives saying  that “you nah Bastard pikin”.

The witness said he saw the accused person holding on prosecution witness number one and she was telling him Aiah you slapped me and the deceased responded to her that he didn’t slapped her,  if he did she will not stand it.

In continuation of her examination in chief, the witness explained to the quiet court that he entered into his own quarter and left the accused person and the deceased outside whilst they were still on the fight.

He said when he came out; the deceased was unable to use his hand and feet to work.

 He said on lookers came and assist them to give the deceased fresh air, whilst his mother took a spoon and placed it in the mouth of the deceased to resuscitate him.

The witness said the deceased was taken to Block OO1 and he came along with a vehicle and took the deceased to the Chinese hospital for examination and treatment.

 He said on the following day they received a call from the hospital that the deceased has passed off. He said he later made statement at Grafton police station

Upon hearing the evidence of the second witness, Magistrate Keikura refused the accused bail. He ordered her to be remanded at the Female correctional center and  adjourned  the matter to the 23rd  March 2022 for cross examination.

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