By: Thaimu Bai Sesay

In a historic move, the University of Sierra Leone (USL) has installed Paramount Chief Dr. Magret Bayo Gbanie as its new Chancellor, marking the first time a woman has held this esteemed position. The ceremony, held on Wednesday, March 13th, 2024, was attended by dignitaries from across the nation, signaling a significant step towards gender inclusivity in academic leadership.

Dr. Gbanie, formerly known as Dr. Daboh, brings a wealth of experience to her new role, holding degrees from both local and international institutions including a Bachelor of Arts from FBC, USL, a Master’s degree from the University of Sussex, UK, and a Ph.D. from Fourah Bay College, specializing in Early Childhood Education. Her career includes lecturing positions at Freetown Teachers’ College and FBC, USL.

Acting Vice Chancellor & Principal, Professor Aiah Lebbie, hailed Dr. Gbanie’s appointment as a milestone for women in leadership, describing her as an outstanding scholar with a commendable track record. He emphasized the importance of her appointment in inspiring young girls across Sierra Leone to aspire for leadership roles.

However, amidst the celebration, controversy brewed as the former Chancellor, Dr. J. Sampha Koroma, tendered his resignation just a day after Dr. Gbanie’s installation. In his resignation letter dated March 14th, 2024, Dr. Koroma expressed deep regret, citing his failed attempt to secure a personal audience with the Secretary to the President, Dr. Julius F. Sandy.

Dr. Koroma’s resignation highlighted concerns over perceived interference by the Ministry of Technical and Higher Education (MTHE) in university affairs. The dissolution of the University Court in January 2024, followed by the appointment of Dr. Gbanie as Chancellor, has sparked questions about the Ministry’s role in university governance.

In response, Minister of Technical and Higher Education, Dr. Ramatulai Wurie, stressed the importance of the Chancellor as a symbol of the university’s values and aspirations. She lauded Dr. Gbanie’s appointment as a step towards maintaining academic rigor and integrity within USL.

Dr. Gbanie expressed gratitude for the confidence placed in her leadership by President Bio and the MTHE. She pledged to adhere to the Universities Act of 2021 and work towards restoring USL’s reputation as a beacon of excellence in West Africa.

As USL navigates through this period of transition, attention now turns to the reconstitution of the University Court and the appointment of a substantive Vice Chancellor & Principal. The resignation of Dr. Koroma underscores the challenges facing the university’s governance structure, prompting calls for transparent and accountable leadership.

The installation of Dr. Gbanie as Chancellor represents a significant moment in Sierra Leone’s academic history, yet it is overshadowed by the turbulence within the university’s leadership ranks. As stakeholders await further developments, the focus remains on upholding academic standards and fostering an environment conducive to learning and growth.


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