A high profiled delegation from the US Naval Criminal Investigation Service (NCIS) through the United States Embassy including their Security Accessory visited the Freetown Port on Tuesday 31st May, 2022.
The Team included, the Physical Security Specialists, Christiana Deleon, Genesis Garcia – OSC Chief United States Army, Randalis Dierichs – Acting Defense Attaché and senior staff of the Sierra Leone Maritime Administration (SLMA).
The team arrived at the Queen Elizabeth II Quay and they were received and honored by the Deputy General Manager of the Sierra Leone Ports Authority (SLPA) – Mr Yankuba Askia Bio.
The DGM hosted the team in his office, and a sensational meeting ensued wherein their intended purpose was declared.
According to the U.S Embassy Representatives, their spot visit is to assess the current security status at the Port of Freetown and other Secondary Ports in Sierra Leone ahead of a comprehensive US Coast Guards Audit at the Ports and to also determine the suitability of the Ports in terms of infrastructure and security for a possible docking of a US Naval Ship.
SLPA’s eloquent Deputy General Manager, Yankuba Askia Bio took time and enlightened the guests on the general overview of the entire security architecture of the Ports. He went further to expatiate on the achievements gained by the Ports over the period of four (4) years relating to the improvements of the security apparatus at the Authority.
During the visit, the CCTV footage right inside the DGM’s office was monitored and synopses of the entire facility, including the surroundings were taken into consideration.
As the meeting gained momentum, several questions were posed by the US Embassy team on the security of the Ports.
The vital questions posed were proficiently answered by the DGM, Harbor Master who also doubles as the PFSO and the Security and Intelligence Manager of the Sierra Leone Ports Authority (SLPA).
The DGM took the entire Team on a conducted security tour to physically assess the security of the Ports. That professional drive turned out to be remarkable and admirable by the US Embassy Team.
Upon Conclusion of the entire exercise, the Technical Lead from the US Embassy Team, Christiana Deleon applauded the Management of Sierra Leone Ports Authority (SLPA) for the warm reception and the adequate security manifestation displayed in all other areas at the Ports.
The Team further expressed their well wishes to the astute management of SLPA ahead of their preparedness for the comprehensive National Ports security Audit.
©️ SLPA Media Team

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