By: Hafsatu Z Bangura

Freetown Terminal Sierra Leone has been dragged to court by plaintiff, Desmond Cole,Samuel Wilson,Emmanuel Barie,David Kanneh and Alpha Turay for unfair termination of contact.

The presiding Judge over this matter is Honorable Justice Sengu M. Koroma JSC of the high court of Sierra Leone Siaka Steven Street Freetown on the 27th July 2022.

Testifying in court a civil servant from the ministry of Labor and Social Security Osman Kargbo led in evidence by counsel for the plaintiff Lawyer Elvis Kargbo recognized the plaintiff in this matter and the defendant Freetown Terminal Sierra Leone.

The witness was cross examined by the defendant counsel lawyer Walter Nicole who referred the witness to Article 15(a) and 15(b) the summary of dismissal of employee and affected by the employer with notice of guilt of serious offence of misconduct 15 b (1) deals with dismissal procedure.

Lawyer Nicole asked the witness to read the portion that deals with that regulation which he read to the court, after reading it he asked the witness.

You will agree with me that the portion which deals with dismissal the witness responded in affirmative does it proved procedures the witness said yes.

  Lawyer Nicole asked the Article says one most give one month notice before termination of contract; the witness said it is not stated there.

The section least down the procedure of offence which a person may commit before contact termination, the witness respond in negative lawyer Nicole said there is a public utility on one hand and public worker and service employee on other hands the witness said yes there is a public utility which deals with Electricity workers, Sierra Leone Port Authority, Guma Vally Water Company among others.

Could you tell the court the difference between redundancy and termination; the witness explained the different between them

After that Lawyer E. Kargbo told the court it is the case for the plaintiff. The lawyer for the defendant asked the court for short date to prepare their defense .The matter was adjourned to October 2022.

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