In today’s edition, I am navigating the lens to two young guys who have acquired formidable careers.

 Alie Sesay and Hassan Eric Kapindi have transformed the jangling discords of learning into a beautiful symphony of partnership courtesy of Life by Design Ultimate Entrepreneur Course in Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurial Studies.  These two gentlemen have earned a year incubation period with Life by Design Limited.

Alie Sesay and Hassan Eric Kapindi have pitched together a business called Easy Transportation Services (ETS) where they are working with tricycle otherwise known as ‘’keke’’ and motorbike in providing safe transportation to commuters within the Freetown municipality.

 The unique values of their business are safety, reliability and comfort.

 They serve as the sole proprietors of the business without any third party. Meaning they own and control the business. It is obvious that they have learnt to become job creators rather than job seekers.

The Ultimate Entrepreneur Course is a six month program which is financed by the World Bank and the Government of Sierra Leone through the Skill Development Fund at the Ministry of Technical and Higher Education.

The programme is expected to boosting technical and vocational education towards the production of growth oriented male and female who owned Small and Medium size Enterprises (SMEs).

 In this regard, the program motivates to stimulate the market for green products and services through the expansion of access to relevant Technical Vocational Education Training (TVET) skills in Sierra Leone.

 Throughout the six months course, students engaged in project-based group work and individual tasks with facilitators from diverse productive institutions who have acquired success in entrepreneurship courses within and outside the country.

As young people who are having the dream of exalting every hills and mountains, so as to scale up their expectations in a staggering fashion.

By giving a facelift to their business and looking forward in attracting local and international brand. Equally, they have fanned the flames of success.

Notwithstanding, their entrepreneur skills and mentorship have helped to figure out how the think about things, identifying problems, solving problems and by extension bringing up compelling business plan that would augment their lives and their families. Owing to this, Alie and Eric believe that hard work; commitment and dedication have brought them far by being among the top four winners of business incubation.

During an interview with this medium, they said, they have failed several times in showcasing their business pitch to different facilitators especially at the start of training.

However, they are never marred by their failure, but they decide to keep their heads up and remained self-confidence.

It is viewed that the pitching competition organized by Life by Design has amplified their level of confidence and they now look at problems as an opportunity.

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