The newly elected DEiK Board Chairman for Sierra Leone, Mr. Fatih Altunbaş, along with his delegation, paid a courtesy visit to His Excellency Mohamed Hassan Kaisamba, Sierra Leone’s Ambassador to Turkey, to discuss plans for enhancing trade relations between Turkey and Sierra Leone.

The Foreign Economic Relations Board of Turkey (DEiK), responsible for managing the foreign economic engagements of the Turkish private sector, focuses on areas such as foreign trade, international investments, services, contracting, and logistics. The visit aimed to explore new investment opportunities and strengthen existing ties.

Mr. Altunbaş, expressing gratitude towards Ambassador Kaisamba and his team, highlighted the significant Turkish investments already present in Sierra Leone. He mentioned the Sonoco Bread Factory and traffic safety installations in Freetown, along with the Turkish Stihl factory, as examples of the robust bilateral relationship.

“We are enthusiastic about contributing to Sierra Leone’s future. Numerous investors are prepared to establish ventures in areas like hospital systems, building materials, machinery, and large-scale installations,” stated Mr. Altunbaş.

Ambassador Kaisamba welcomed the Turkish delegation, emphasizing Sierra Leone’s openness to business and investment opportunities. He underscored the government’s commitment under President Julius Maada Bio to advancing agriculture, infrastructure, technology, and youth employment.

“We are planning a major Turkish Expo in Sierra Leone to showcase Turkish business opportunities. My team and I are fully prepared to support and foster development in our country,” Ambassador Kaisamba assured.

Highlighting the untapped potential in Sierra Leone’s tourism sector, Ambassador Kaisamba urged DEiK to consider investments in this area. “Our diverse ecosystem offers attractive white sand beaches, tropical forests, scenic mountains, and unique wildlife. Sierra Leone is ready for business, and we seek credible investors,” he concluded.


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