By Audrey Raymonda John

Twenty-eight years old Adama Kamara a trader, made her first appearance before Magistrate Sahr Kehkura of Pademba Road Court No.1 Freetown, on 3 count charges to from Wounding with Intent: contrary to section 18 of the offences against the person Act 1861, wounding contrary to section 20 of the Offences Against the person Act 1861 and Assault Occasionally Actual Bodily Harm contrary to section 47 of the offense Against the person Act 1861.

According to the particulars of offence on the 1st February at Sackville Street Freetown, wounded Marian Williams with intent to do her grievous bodily harm on count two and three the accused person on the above date and place maliciously wounded and assaulted Marian Williams in a manner thereby Occasioning her Actual bodily harm.

When the charges were read and explained to the accused person, she pleaded not guilty.

The accused was unrepresented by a legal representative, meanwhile Magistrate Kekura refused bail and sent the accused person to the female correctional facility in Freetown, and the matter was adjourned to the 15th February 2024.

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