Sex is one on the most controversial topics that needs to be talked about, so many people treats this topic as if it is a forbidden word that will cause harm when talked about so they tend to shy away from talking about it. Well today we are talking about sex.

Firstly, everybody knows that God designed sex for reproduction and the continuity of the Human Race therefore so many people have sex just to reproduce. What they fail to understand is that sex was not only design for reproduction but also for pleasure.

Even the Holy Books clearly states that husbands and wives must enjoy the pleasures of sex in anyway and form as long as they are married. Husbands are obliged to satisfy their wives and the wives are obliged to do so as well.

Let’s delve into the topic proper; the act of making love is not only limited to penetration but it involves a lot more than that. Most women do not enjoy sex through penetration alone therefore the man’s duty is to understand her woman’s body enough to know what turns her on and what gives her the utmost satisfaction.

Foreplay is a very important aspect of lovemaking, before doing the needful men are encouraged to engage in the act of foreplay as most women enjoy sex through this act. Communicate with your spouse during the process and ask about what she likes and wants and try as best as possible to satisfy her. A lot of men don’t do this, they just assume that because they have exhibited their manly prowess their woman is therefore fully satisfied and doesn’t even care to ask.

So many men think because they take long hours in trying to please their women therefore the deed is done, but that is not the case. You may take a whole day in trying to please your woman if you don’t do the right things she won’t feel satisfied, ask her what she wants and what she likes. This will help you from trying too hard.

As a woman you must not act like a doll, just laying down for the man do everything by himself during bedroom activities. You must also do your best to satisfy your husband, be crazy and freaky with him because he is your man. Play with him and also understand his needs as most men too enjoy sex not only through penetration. Also, don’t be uptight with your man in the bedroom cause so many women have the habit of setting boundaries for their husbands in bedroom activities and just sticks with a particular routine. That is so boring, be spontaneous with your man there is no need for all that sexual boundary between you and your spouse.

A lot of women are afraid to discuss their needs and wants with their spouse; they are usually scared that their spouse might think they are loose women just for stating the things they like in bed as women are not expected to like sex they are just expected to give it to the man when he needs it. As a woman you should voice out your needs to your man, tell him what you want, teach him how you want it, he is your husband and it’s your right for him to satisfy you, you shouldn’t be afraid to voice out your needs.

Women are humans too and they do have feelings, why is it that society frowns at women that love to have sex with the people they love? Women have the right to want sex and to request for it from their spouse.

The act of lovemaking doesn’t only start in the bedroom. A lot of guys only smile or talk to their wives properly when they want to have sex with them other than that they are always scolding them, angry with them, constantly putting up a bad behavior and all sort of vices, acts like these are a total turn off for women, love your woman not only in the bedroom but outside the bedroom as well. Help her around the house with chores because if she is too tired from engaging in household activities through the day she might get tired to make love with you.

Do nice things for your wife, make her happy outside the bedroom because that will help you both to have best of each other in bedroom activities as women are emotional creatures and one bad act affects everything else including the way they feel for you.

So many women engage in sexual relations with their spouse out of duty not because they want to and they are not excited about having sex with their spouse because they are not enjoying the act.

They feel like it’s a burden and this is wrong because it is an act that is supposed to be the most pleasurable thing in life and if your woman or man is feeling like it’s a burden for them to have sex with you something is wrong somewhere.

Some men will start accusing their wives of cheating thinking that they might be getting it somewhere else and that’s the reason why their wife is being reluctant to have sex with them instead of attacking the real problem. Husbands must learn to communicate with their wives and ask questions about what’s bothering them and try to tackle those issues instead of just accusing their wives of something they aren’t even doing.

The act of love making is a powerful force, an electric rush that bonds two people together; therefore people should be very careful with the person they engage into such acts with, because there is a transfer of DNA through this act which makes that person a part of you.

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