On Saturday 19th and Sunday 20th, March 2022, the third set of staff members of Koidu Limited Mining Company in Koidu City, Kono District benefited from ongoing training sessions conducted by the Human Rights Commission of Sierra Leone through the Directorate of Business and Human Rights and Labour Relations. The training focuses on issues of business and human rights and conflict mitigation, targetting 90 staff members randomly selected from the different departments, sections and units of the company.

The training of senior management, middle and junior level cadre of the company, as well as some members of the host communties by HRCSL in collaboration with the Company, commeced on March 5th, 2022 in the company’s headquarters with the aim of helping every sector in the operational chain, thereby increasing productivity, good employee-employer relations, good community relations and a better business environment.

The objectives of the training are to introduce the concept of business and human rights to Management and staff of the company, establish the link between compliance and successful business operations, establish the rights, duties and responsibilities of employer, employees and the host communities and strengthen the collaboration between the Company and the Commission.

In her presentation Women’s Rights and SGBV in Companies and Host Communities, Commissioner Simitie Lavaly spoke about problem affecting women in the work place and proffer solutions on how they can be resolved.

She advised men working for the coompany on how to treat their female colleagues in the workplace.

Mrs. Komba, a certified nurse, pleaded with the Commission to replicate such training in schools so that pupils can able to learn more about sexual and based violence.

Head of the Business and Human Rights Directoorate, Abdulai Yollah Bangura presented on the Agenda of UNDP Guidelines on business and Human Rights and spoke about what should be done to avoid conflict in the workplace.

Topics discussed include; Women’s Rights and SGBV in Companies and Host Communities, the Busines Case for Human Rights and the Human Rights Case for Business, Highlights of Business and Human Rights Related Conflicts in Sierra Leone and Conflict and Conflict Mitigation in Business Related Commuities, among others. 

Certificates were handed over to staff after completing the training.

Participants welcomed the move by the company and HRCSL to trained them on business and human rights and conflcit mitigation and assured that they will put into good use what they have acquired during the session. 

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