By: Audrey John

20 years old Alhassan Kanney Bangura has on the  25th May 2022 sent to prison by Magistrate Sahr Kekura of Pademba road court No.1  over an alleged theft of 12 Million Leones from the house of Hassan Musa Bangura an Internal Auditor at NASSIT and wife Umu Bangura.

The accused made his first appearance in court and was arraigned on two counts charges of house breaking and larceny contrary section 26(1) of the Larceny Act 1916.

According to the particulars of offence on count one, it was alleged that the accused on diverse dates between 11th March to 7th April 2022 at No 1 Hassan M. Bangura Avenue SS Camp Freetown broke and enter into the house of Hassan Musa Bangura and Umu Bangura with intent to steal therein the total sum of 12 Million Leones and various documents belonging to the said complainant.  Whiles counts two added that the accused on the same date and place in Freetown did commit the said information.

First Prosecution witness Hassan Musa Bangura led in evidence by Sergeant 9939 Mohamed Lahai said he is an Internal Auditor at NASSIT, and recalled date 11th March to 7th April 2022. 

At this stage the prosecutor requested for an adjournment to have further conference with the witness. The accused was however refused bail and the matter was adjourned to 31st May 2022 for further hearing.

No legal representation was made on behalf of the accused in court, while Police Sergeant 9939 Mohamed Lahai prosecuting the matter.

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