By: Haja Hawa Koroma

So many people get scared and anxious to step out of their comfort zones, they get scared of taking risks, especially life changing risks. Some may prefer to just be stationed in their comfort zone instead of stepping out and experimenting with new possibilities.

Everything in life requires you to take a risk, there is no way one can escape taking risks, but some people don’t notice the risk they take because they are somewhat minor compared to the things they consider as risks as they are the major things.

From stepping out of your home in the morning to forming relationships, to choosing careers and taking up jobs, all these involve taking risks. Because you step out of your house in the morning does not mean you will be able to return to your home. It is by the grace of God we get to return home every day in one piece. Cause a lot can happen in between, you might get involved in an accident that may stop you from reaching home, or you might get sick at the office and your colleagues may be forced to rush you to the hospital etc.

Even forming relationships involves risks taking. Because in most cases attraction draws us to form relationships but you will never know how that relationship will turn out or what will happen in between. Even getting married is a risk, because there is no guarantee that you will have a happily ever after kind of experience.

Some people do not showcase their true character until you get married, and living under the same roof with them might bring out parts of them you never bargained for. By then, you may feel trapped in a relationship you want to walk out of.

Some people may eventually walk out of these kinds of relationships and those are the risk takers. But for some who are so scared of taking risks, they self-sabotage and think about all the negative sides of leaving instead of the positives.

Some, especially women, no matter how bad their marriages are are scared of walking out because of financial reasons. Because their husbands provide everything for them, they get scared of leaving as that will require them to fend for themselves, instead, they suffer the misery of being in an unbearable marriage just because that husband meets their financial needs.

Some because they are scared of what society might say, or because they are scared that they now have children and no other man would want to marry them, and they dread loneliness, they will decide to settle and not take the risk of being alone.

But what a lot of people fail to do is to look on the brighter side and think about all the other opportunities to explore. Yes, it is never an easy thing to transition from one position to the other, that’s why it’s called a risk because it might or might not work. But the beautiful part of it is it might work for you, but you will never know if you don’t attempt to take that risk.

The things you are going through will remain constant, that person might never change, and that situation you are in that is giving you stress and frustration might never get better, but one certain thing is change when you eventually step out of these situations. No matter how rough the start of that change gets, it will get better with time, and one day you will be proud of yourself for taking that risk you were so terrified to take.

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