The economic trend in Sierra Leone is such that those living on the margins are growing. Vulnerable people are increasing by the day. So a Non-Governmental Organization, Street Child of Sierra Leone has on the 25th May 2022 in their Bo office trained 300 beneficiary parents on managing their petty businesses.
The training was done by Ria Kamara who is the Deputy Head of Sustainability at Street Child SL head office in Freetown. She told the trainees to have the habit of “saving” even if little. The aim of the training and grant giving is so that parents can do business, maximize profit and keep their children in school.
The money is provided by DFID UK under the UKAM 5 project. Record keeping for the business was also stressed which was why they were given a book and pen. The amount of grant money was Le800, 000 for parents with two children in the Junior Secondary School.
While family with three or more children, more money as the case may be. Apart from just giving out the grant money the project calls for “counseling and mediation” for targeted families. The business activity will be be monitored by staff of Street Child.
The trainees are expected to save Le 5000 every week until 20 weeks when the savings will be added to their business capital to expand their businesses.
Speaking to beneficiaries, Kenyeh Jaward a widow revealed how her husband died in a road accident and left her with two kids. So she has been involved in petty trading since to raise the kids. The grant money given to her by Street Child SL will “make the difference in her footwear business “she expressed. They were cautioned not to be wasteful with the money or give lavish meals to their families advised by the Program Coordinator, Hawa Shour.
The vote of thanks was given by a beneficiary, Tiffa Jalloh.