By: Haja Hawa Koroma

In a press release from the Sierra Leone Police dated 18th June,2022 the Police have justified their action of shaving the dreadlocks of the country’s popular Hip-pop and RNB musician, Alhaji Amadu Bah ‘A.K.A LAJ’. The release also states that the Police are currently investigating a case of robbery with violence involving the musician. Policing alluding to the fact that they shaved the hair of the said suspect in their custody with his consent has been accepted with mixed feelings. 

However, this particular issue has recently been making rounds through all media outlets in the country wherein everyone has different things to say about the said issue. There are different sides to the story as there are a lot of speculations and opinions surrounding the LAJ story. Bloggers, his fellow entertainment colleagues, and even Human rights institutions have been parading with this story as there are claims of the police brutally demoralizing his Human Rights.

In the press release, it was said that LAJ was taken into police custody on Sunday, June 12 2022, due to a report that was made against him and some others by three fuel pump attendants working for Leonco Filling Station, which is situated along with Main Motor Road Congo Cross.

Furthermore, the Sierra Leone Police were concerned with the news making rounds over social media and the traditional media of LAJ getting injected and shaving his dreadlocks whilst in police custody and they want to clear the air with the public that these stories are false and misinformed.

According to the press release, LAJ is under investigation by the Police for a felonious offence for which he is to be kept in police custody while investigations are ongoing for a period spanning up to ten days. And that the allegations of him being injected with any red substance while in police custody is untrue.

Also, the Centre custody facility where he is operates under a standard procedure predicated on preserving the health and well-being of all its male suspects. And it is a standard procedure for all-male suspects that are taken into the facility to have their hair shaved off their head while in the custody of the holding centre.

Therefore, LAJ’s dreadlocks were shaved off as the SOP in that facility dictates and also for security reasons. It was stated that these standard procedures were clearly explained to the suspect before his hair was shaved off.

However, he is still being held in police custody as he awaits legal advice on the preferment of appropriate criminal charges on his file.

The Sierra Leone Police assures his family members, Fans/Friends and other people that are interested in this matter that LAJ is being well looked after and that all his rights will be fully respected whilst in police custody.

The blurred connection between the alleged offence committed leading to shaving of hair; the line is still unclear and this medium will bring you happenings as it unfolds.

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