…As IMC Provides Heads-up on Registration Licenses

January 18, 2021

By: Mohamed Kargbo

The Sierra Leone Association of Journalists has on the 13th January 2020 engaged media owners and journalists on the renewal of licences of media institutions at their Office at Campbell Street in Freetown.

“One should apply within three months before the expiration of once own license pursuant to section 27 (1) of the IMC Code of Practice.” Says Dr. Francis Sowa.

He said renewal of registration of media houses is not about payment. The purpose is to make sure we get updated data.

Dr. Sowa reaffirmed that the IMC code of Practice states clearly that nobody is allowed to operate a media house without legitimate license, and that the commission is there to implement the laws.

The Executive Secretary of the Independent Media Commission reminded the attendees that the initial deadline for re-registration was on the 31st December 2020 and that we had extended it to the 31st January 2021.

He stressed that, any media institution that fails to re-register between the 31st January and the 1st of February will be considered illegal as far as the Independent Media Commission is concerned. He warned that those who flout this law will be dealt with in accordance with relevant penalities.

The Executive Secretary disclosed that a newspaper that had been fined by the Independent Media Commission and have not paid their fines will not be allowed to re-register until that media outlet pays its fines.

Dr. Francis Sowa encouraged media institutions to cooperate with the Independent Media Commission to re-new their licences and pay salaries and NASSIT for their reporters and other staff as that is a welfare issue of utmost importance. 

According to the President of the Sierra Leone Association of Journalists, Mohamed Nasrala, updated media houses have been informed about the upcoming 50th anniversary of the Sierra Leone Association of Journalists He said they have been engaging the Ministry of Information and Communications to share a blue print on the form of the anticipated Media Investment Conference.

Nasrala made mention about a SLAJ constituted committee set up to work on the program of event of the Media Investment Conference.

The meeting climaxed on the issue of a parcel of land allocated to SLAJ at  the outskirt of Freetown.


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