In a display of strength and skill, Sierra Leone’s para athletes made their mark at the GAPS Para Powerlifting and Table Tennis competition held in Birmingham, UK, organized by the British Weightlifting Federation. The event, which served as a crucial qualification pathway for future international competitions, saw over a hundred promising athletes from various countries participating in rigorous training camps and competitive matches.

Arold Sheka Kamara, a determined para powerlifter from Sierra Leone, delivered a standout performance in the -72 Kg category. Facing tough competition from athletes like Lehlohnolo Mahobe of Lesotho, Kamenya Matlas Kapum of Namibia, and Findlay Davidson of Scotland, Arold showcased resilience and determination throughout the competition.

His lifts were a testament to his prowess: starting strong with a clean lift of 100kg, he progressed to 104kg on his second attempt. Although his final lift of 110kg did not succeed, Arold’s total grade of 204kg secured him a commendable second place. The gold medal in this category was claimed by Finley from Scotland, who amassed a total grade of 245kg.

Arold’s performance not only reflects his dedication to his sport but also positions him favorably on his journey towards the Paris 2024 Paralympic Games, marking him as a promising contender in the para powerlifting circuit.

In the para table tennis arena, Sierra Leone was represented by Rashidatu Mabinty Sesay, a talented player competing in the PTT4 Class. Rashidatu’s journey in the competition was marked by impressive victories and a tenacious spirit.

In her opening match, Rashidatu defeated her opponent from Lesotho decisively with a score of 12-6. She continued her winning streak by triumphing over Pakistan with a score of 12-5 in the subsequent match. Her final challenge came against a seasoned player from Namibia, who emerged victorious with a score of 12-8, thereby securing the gold medal.

Rashidatu’s stellar performance throughout the competition earned her a well-deserved second place in her category, showcasing her talent and determination on the international stage.

Following their outstanding performances, the National Paralympic Committee (NPC) Team Leader in Sierra Leone, Unisa Deen Kargbo, extended heartfelt congratulations to Arold Sheka Kamara, Rashidatu Mabinty Sesay, and the entire team of athletes. This recognition underscores the pride and support of the Sierra Leonean government and people for their para athletes who continue to excel and inspire through their achievements on a global platform.

The GAPS Para Powerlifting and Table Tennis competition not only provided a competitive arena for athletes to showcase their skills but also served as a pivotal moment in their journey towards future international competitions, including the prestigious Paris 2024 Paralympic Games.


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