June 17, 2021

When the timetable for the Paramount chieftaincy declarations and Elections came out, some thought there is a mountain to climb. Others, thought the police will not be able to successfully police such. Well, all mixed feelings were laid to rest as a result of the successful and logical conclusion of all declarations and Elections in a very peaceful atmosphere. There are factors responsible for such success that can substantiate my assertion/statement.


The police management in the north East region, headed by the Regional Commander North East, CSP Gabriel Gbassay Tommy, and his team, held security engagement and consultations on how to police such a daunting task,though,it is the mandate of the police. The leadership role provided by the regional Commander was transferred as a division of labor amongst the units directly responsible to police such process thinking of the security implications attached to it. These units include:


This is headed by SUPT. Augustine Kabia, as Regional operations officer, who provided the required personnel needed for such operations. SUPT. Kabia ensured personnel are drawn from the various divisions within the North East and professionally supervised on PROFESSIONALISM, INTEGRITY, CREDIBILITY, and ABILITY & COMMITMENT.


This unit is headed by SUPT Lamin Kargbo who is the OSD Coordinator. He selected the fitting personnel and supporting items appropriate for the operations and properly monitored and supervised as per working mandate of the unit.


The personnel attached here gathered the information needed on threat and risk situation for processing to intelligence, in order to forestall any unforeseen circumstances that could have led to break down of the process.


The media unit, headed by Inspector Abdul Rahman Sankoh,

Responsible to manage and project the image of the organization, covered the entire process by giving CREDIBLE, FACTUAL, BALANCE and ACCURATE account to the authorities and the public. As in journalism, LEGWORK is key.


The LUCS’ for MAKENI,PANLAP, MAGBURAKA,KABALA and MONGO, provided personnel and leadership for their various divisions, as per jurisdictional mandate of declarations and Elections held in their Areas Of Responsibilities. (AORS).

Amidst the security implications, road network challenge of tiring long distances between chiefdoms, accommodation challenge, personnel welfare and  control, logistical challenge, crowd control challenge, negative perception about the police, criminal detection and apprehension challenge, all put together above, poses a serious security focus and total commitment.

Owing to the above challenges, with proper leadership coordination provided by CSP Gabriel Gbassay Tommy, through his deputy CSP. L M Koroma, down to the LUCS’ and commanders on the ground, the police, much to the admiration of the populace that witnessed the entire process, the Local Government officials, the National Electoral Commission (NEC). Staff the Aspirants and Candidates that contested the process, commended the police for such a professional approach throughout the declaration stage and Elections. Though, there were pockets of resistance in some areas like; MUSAIA, FIRAWA, BAFODIA,YELE, to name but a few, yet the police applied community and collaborative policing ethics to put the situation under control.

Narrative accounts given above, are not fictional events, but fact. The writer saw it happened.

It will be social injustice, if I conclude without mentioning the name of the former Regional Commander North East, AIG Sahr Yomba Senesie, who during his time, started the declaration process and some parts of the Elections before his transfer to Police Headquarters, Freetown.


Chinua Achebe, once said in his widely read book, “THINGS FALL APART”

“When The Agama Lizard Falls From A High Iroko Tree,If Nobody Praises It, It Praises Itself” With due considerations and Motivation, the North East Police Personnel And Leadership, deserves an applaud under normal circumstances. Unless, if the circumstances are far from being Normal.


Media North East.


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