By: Haja Hawa Koroma

Trusting someone is a risk, a risk so intense, naive, beautiful, unwavering and delicate emotion. But what happens when the object of our trust breaks? 

You never truly forget when someone breaks your trust, no matter how hard you try; it is forever etched into your soul. It becomes a part of you, even if you continue your relationship with that person.

One of the most painful things about love is your partner breaking your trust, you feel like your heart is being trampled on by a herd of elephants. But you try to forgive and move on; because you love them and because you choose to see beyond their flaws, you sometimes give them a second chance and even a third.

We all make mistakes, so giving someone a second chance to love and treat you better is not always a bad thing. They might learn from their past mistakes and you can move on from the issue and heal.

However, giving second chances is not always a straightforward issue; you must make sure you are not being taken for granted. If you feel like your partner is taking advantage of you because of how much you love them, you might want to reconsider that relationship.

No relationship is perfect but someone that loves you will not constantly put you in a position where you question your sanity, self-worth and how trustful you are of people.

Make sure you don’t cross the line where you are being taken for granted. Give second chances but don’t let it be a constant theme in your relationship.

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