By: Audrey John

Ex-Military Personnel of RSLAF, Joseph Sheku Jalloh and six others were yesterday on the 15th  September 2022 remanded back to prison for allegedly rioting and unlawfully possessing arms at Sambaia Bendegu.

The accused were before the Magistrate Sahr Mark Ngegba of Pademba road court No.1 for nine counts charges ranging from possession of small arm without License, carrying offensive weapon, threatening language, obstruction, and riotous conduct all contrary to law.

According to the particulars of offence, on Wednesday 8th June, 2022 at Sambaia Bendugu, Tonkolili District in the North East of Sierra Leone, the first accused Joseph Sheku Jalloh was found in possession of one small arm to wit short gun without license.

On count two, the second accused was found carrying offensive weapons to wit cutlass and knife.

Police further alleged that the six and seven accused threatened to burn down the house of Honorable Paramount Chief Alhaji Bamba Foray Jalloh; count seven state that the fourth accused obstructed the Sierra Leone Police when executing their lawful duties, while count nine added that the accused behave in a riotous manner.

A.G.M Bockarie led the six Prosecution witness (PW6) Police Constable 13835 Issa Sesay attached to the major incident unit at the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) headquarters Pademba Road.

The witness said he recognized all accused persons and recalled on the 10th June 2022 whilst on duty at the said office he received a transfer case of inquiry files from regional crime office North East Makeni on an alleged case of Assen.

 PW6 said on diverse dates in July 2022 himself and Inspector M.M Sesay obtained interview caution statement from the accused persons and was produced and tendered in court to form part of the prosecution case.

He said on July 2022 he charge all accused persons with various offences that they are standing trials on charge statement of the accused persons was produce and tendered in court to form part of the judges rule, and said the file contains one short gun kitchen knife bionnet knife and few statement including police report the police report was produce and tendered in court to form part of the court records which was written by Foray J. Lamin the officer in charge of Bendugu police post 9th June 2022 the file was sent to DPP for advice.

Cross examination by Joseph F Kamara, while Lansana Dumbuya cross examined the witness on behalf of the 4th and 7th accused persons.  

The defense counsel renewed their previous bail applications on behalf of the accused persons

However, Magistrate Ngegba refused bail and sent the accused person to the male correctional center in Freetown.  Matter was adjourned to the 20th September 2022.

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