By: Audrey John

Joseph Sheku, Jalloh Sambaia Bendugu Retired Military Business man and Six others were dragged to court for an alleged Arms and Ammunitions possession during the bye elections violence at Sambaia Bendugu.

The charges were read and explained to the accused persons by the Court Clerk Alie Turay to all accused persons and they all pleaded not guilty on all the charges.

The accused persons were standing before the principal magistrate Sahr Kekura of Pademba road court No.1 on nine counts charges of Possession of small Arm without License Contrary to section 11(1) of the Arms and ammunitions Act 2012, Act No.9 of 2012.

 On counts two, Unlawful Concealment of Arms- Contrary to regulation 22 of the Arms and Ammunitions regulation of 2014, Statutory Instrument No.8 of 2014.

Counts three and four state that carrying offensive weapon Contrary to Section 16(1) of the public Order Act No.46 of 1916.

 Counts five carrying offensive weapon contrary to section 16(1) of the public Order No.46 of 1965,

Count six stated that threatening to burn a house Contrary to Section 50 of the Malicious damage Act, 186.

 Count seven Obstruction contrary to section 39 of the police Act 1964 Act No.7 of 1964 and Riotous conduct contrary to Section 12 (a) of the Public Order Act 1965.

Police alleged that the first accused Joseph Sheku Jalloh on Wednesday 8th June 2022 at Sambaia Bendugu in the tonkelili District in the Northern Province was found in possession of one small Arm (Shortgun) without license.

On count two at the same place and date the second accused person was found carrying offensive weapon to wit a cutlass.

 On count three at the same place and date was found carrying offensive weapon to wit one Bayonet knife.

 On count six, the sixth and seventh accused persons threatened to burn the house of Honorable Paramount Chief Alhaji Bamba foray Kulio.

 On count seven the Forth accused person Obstructed the police whiles in due execution of their lawful duties.

 On count eight and nine all accused persons behave in a riotous conduct

Led in evidence by A.G.M Bockarie Esq.

Prosecution witness number two Sergeant 8576 Issa Kamara attached to the exhibit office at the Criminal Investigation Department(CID) headquarters Pademba Road Freetown said his duties and responsibilities is to ensure the safe keeping registration and safe keeping of all exhibit brought in relation to matters reported for investigations.

He recalled on the 14th June 2022 Dpc 13835 Sesay I attached to the Major Incident Unit at the said headquarters brought and handed over to him three old cutlasses with brown rubber handles, one locally made short gun, one bayonet knife and one old knife all was in the blue bag.

 It was registered against serial number RCE82/2022.

The exhibit was produced and tendered in court exhibit A1-3 for the cutlasses the short gun was tender as exhibit B, the bayonet knife was tendered as exhibit C and the kitchen knife was tendered as exhibit D.

 The bag the exhibit was placed in was marked as exhibit E, since then they were in the custody of the police, he concluded.

Cross examination by defense counsel Ady Macauley for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd accused persons  you will agree with me that you took possession of the gun in a dismantle way, the witness said yes he received a dismantled gun, you will agree with me that in a dismantle state it is inoperable.

 The witness said he cannot tell when the blue bag sack was handed over to him all the exhibit came in a single bag.

 The witness said yes all the sharp implements came along with the dismantled gun he conclude.

No Cross examination for the 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th accused persons.

The prosecutor told the bench that they have another witnesses and he pleaded for a short adjournment date.

Counsels representing all accused persons renewed their previous application for and on behalf of the accused persons.

However, Magistrate Kekura refused bail and adjourned the matter to the 28th July 2022 for further hearing.

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