By: Thaimu Bai Sesay

In a bid to bolster national security and ensure the safety of all Sierra Leoneans, the Commissioner of the Sierra Leone Commission on Arms and Animation, Col. Rtd. Binneh K Conteh Oor, addressed the public on Tuesday, May 21, 2024, urging citizens to report any instances of illegal weapons possession to the appropriate authorities.

The Commissioner, speaking at a government press briefing, highlighted the pressing issue of weapon proliferation within the country, exacerbated by recent events including a failed coup attempt and ongoing instability. He underscored the critical role of citizen cooperation in combating this threat to national security.

One significant announcement made by the Commissioner was the renaming of the commission from the Sierra Leone National Commission on Small Arms to the Sierra Leone Commission on Arms and Animation. This change, enacted through parliamentary legislation, signifies an expansion of the commission’s scope beyond controlling small arms to encompassing larger weaponry as well.

Providing context for the establishment of arms commissions across West Africa, the Commissioner traced their origins to the conflicts in Liberia and Sierra Leone. These commissions were instituted by regional leaders to mitigate the proliferation of weapons and maintain peace within their respective countries.

Emphasizing the mandate delegated by the Government of Sierra Leone, the Commissioner reiterated the commission’s responsibility to address illegal weapons possession and ensure proper management of arms held by key security institutions, namely the Sierra Leone Police Force and the Sierra Leone Armed Forces.

The Commissioner stressed that the landscape of weapon ownership has evolved, with non-state actors now possessing weapons to threaten public safety. To counter this threat, he called upon all Sierra Leoneans to actively participate in identifying and reporting individuals illegally possessing weapons.

In a move towards international compliance, the Commissioner disclosed that the Parliament of Sierra Leone had legislated on April 24, 2023, for the commission to fully adhere to the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT). This treaty extends the commission’s jurisdiction to cover conventional weapons, including aircraft, naval vessels, and other significant armaments.

Concluding his address, Commissioner Binneh urged Sierra Leoneans to contribute to the preservation of peace and security in the country, highlighting the collective responsibility in safeguarding against illegal weapon possession.

As Sierra Leone navigates challenges to its stability, the proactive measures outlined by the Sierra Leone Commission on Arms and Animation underscore the importance of citizen engagement in maintaining national security and peace.


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