The unfortunate war between Russia and Ukraine with a much anticipated probability of transmogrifying into world war III is having unbearable ramification across the world and Sierra Leone is not an exception particular.

 The shortage of petroleum products is just affirming the adage which says “the poor is getting poorer”.

My Sierra Leone is among countries that are facing the hardest hit of the Russia/Ukraine effect.

 But what astonishes me is the sad reality that unpatriotic Sierra Leoneans have taken advantage over the Russian/Ukraine war by not selling fuel to the general public.

Nefarious Sierra Leoneans especially owners of gas stations have resulted to callously stop selling fuel to the public in anticipation of another increment in price so that they will make more  profit. What is more disturbing is the well-orchestrated syndicate among gas station owners and dealers of Black market fuel. The black market folks with plastic containers have the likelihood of having access to fuel than those in the vehicles.

The premeditated sit at home by commercial drivers and good number of commercial bike riders on Monday the 28th March 2022, brought untold suffering to Sierra Leoneans. A good number of my compatriot citizens especially those who stay at the peripheries of Freetown could not make it to their offices just because they could not access public transportation.

Again, one could have another traceability of this unfortunate happening in the country which is not unconnected to political sabotage despite the many attempt government is making to cushion the effect. As it has been perceived and believed by most if not all Sierra Leoneans, that 80% gas stations in the country are owned by former state actors in the All People’s People Congress Party.

Coincidentally as it has happened between Russia and Ukraine, I have no modicum of doubt that the opposition can be so despicable in taking this as an advantage to sabotage the situation especially when the country is now heading into the 2023 elections.

 With the existing situation, the All People Congress Party can have endless jubilant spirit in organizing a boisterous celebration in their self-centered vim and vigor to impose more suffering on citizens.

 With this current trend, the APC is assured that they fly high in the election. 

As the line of tug of war between the two major parties is now almost at the eleventh hour to ensure supremacy in the 2023 elections, there are every possibility for the APC to deliberately shun  humanistic face of the situation, and apply the long-nursed political propaganda.

The current situation now has the propensity to result to get worse if government through the strategic communication Unit, maintains its snail pace nature towards sensitive issues that have the tendency of undermining national security.

The sporadic standoff in Bo, Waterloo and other part of the country because of fuel shortage, is a clear indication for a likelihood of civil unrest if proactive crisis management communication is not put in place by government. I most end on this note that this current trend will not be in the best interest of the SLPP as we approach elections.

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