By: Problyn J Alpha

Rev. John Luke Momoh, the Education Director of the New Harvest Global Ministries and senior pastor of the branch church in Bo city, Southern Sierra Leone, recently delivered a sermon during a thanksgiving service at the New Harvest Global Ministries Kono Central House of Gathering in Koidu City, Kono District. The theme of the service was “Spread the Flame Everyone, Everywhere,” inspired by Matthew 28:18-19. In his sermon, Rev. Momoh emphasized the importance of spiritual commitment among pastors, urging them to prioritize their role as servants of God over financial gains.

Quoting Matthew 28:18-19, Rev. Momoh reminded the congregation that Jesus instructed His disciples to go and make disciples of all nations. He highlighted the core purpose of human existence as serving God faithfully and spreading His word to bring glory to His name. Expressing concern, Rev. Momoh observed that some spiritual leaders and their followers deviate from the teachings of the Bible. Instead of serving as examples to their disciples, they compromise faith for personal gain.

Rev. Momoh urged the congregation to live resilient lives, be kind to one another, remain faithful, be wary of false prophets, and embrace a life of prayer. He emphasized the need for Christians to overcome challenges by staying committed to their faith.

The thanksgiving service marked the conclusion of a three-day District mini-conference held at the New Harvest Global Ministries Kono Central House of Gathering in Koidu City. During the opening ceremony, Rev. Thomas Kallay, the strategy coordinator of the New Harvest Global Ministries Kono District and caretaker pastor of the Central Church in Koidu City, explained that the purpose of the mini-conference was to focus on disciple-making. This involved bringing back those who had left the Ministries, welcoming new converts, and planting churches in the district.

The district mini-conference operated under the theme “Spread the Flame Everyone, everywhere.” Rev. Kallay encouraged the congregation to use their skills and talents to serve the Ministries faithfully. He emphasized the importance of working together to spread God’s word as intended.

In the keynote address, Rev. John Papany Kargbo, representing the New Harvest Global Ministries team leader, elaborated on the theme. He outlined the primary aims of the Ministries, including adhering to scriptural commands, spreading God’s word universally, building resilient disciples, fostering love among Christians, church planting, and promoting prayer and fasting.

Members of the congregation expressed gratitude for the three-day event and pledged to actively contribute to the theme by spreading the word of God to everyone and everywhere, ensuring the Ministries’ goals are achieved.

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