By: Haja Hawa Koroma

If time has taught us anything, it’s how fleeting it can be. We often take people for granted forgetting they are God’s loan to us. We take the little blessings for granted and in our quiet moment we sometimes have the realization that all of it can be taken away from us, in a blink of an eye.

That moment of realization trigger often happens at the death of a loved one or a stranger, a near-death experience or listening to a religious lecture, whatever it is in that moment, we reflect on our mistakes and think about our life.

The inevitable truth is we are all going to die someday, it’s just a matter of where, when and how that makes the difference. So, if this sad but inevitable truth is going to come to a realization one day, why not make the experience one of kind and worthwhile. Why not live a life that is so fulfilling and when you are on your death bed, you will not have many regrets of what you could have done, but didn’t do.

Because we are often so focused on what other people think of us, we lose confidence. Confidence to do what we want and confidence to be our authentic selves, the truth is that no one has it all figured out. And the people who portray themselves to be perfect or seem perfect, aren’t really perfect, it’s just looks like it on the surface.

Even the most established public speaker does not walk in a room filled with people without developing some nerves, but they don’t show it, they go with the flow until confidence comes naturally.

Walk through life and be your authentic self with confidence, no matter how strange your idea may seem, the world will catch up one day.

Nobody is responsible for your happiness. Life is difficult enough and everyone is going through something, why would you give someone else the burden of making you happy. Until you are truly happy within, no one can give you peace, and you cannot possibly give someone peace either cause how can you give something that you don’t have.

Happiness is not a moment of joy, it’s a lot more than that; happiness is calm, soothing and quiet. You don’t find happiness, you create it, and when you create happiness no one or anything can phase that much.

Make peace and let go with what you can’t change. Don’t beat yourself up for it.

We’ve all done something dumb that we regret to this day, just thinking about it makes us cringe with embarrassment. If you cannot change it, don’t let it consume you too much, take it as a lesson, a stepping stone to do better now.

No matter where they are on the social ladder or age, treat people with respect. We are all worthy of respect. It’s not about how you treat those who are higher on the social ladder than you that makes you decent human being, it’s about how you treat the waiters, the cleaners, your driver, maid or anyone that is “below your standards” that makes you decent, cause when we die, we are all going to be buried the same way. Caution them when they offend you, caution them with respect, the social ladder is making it difficult for them, don’t add to their misery.

Slow down. Where are you rushing to? The pressure to accomplish great things before you reach a certain age can be exhausting, we want to leave a legacy and that’s admirable. But in all life’s chaos don’t forget to breathe and slow down, slow down when life is not working out the way you want it to, slow down, regroup and give it another shot; when life is not too kind to you, slow down and fight back; when life makes you feel small and invisible, slow down and show the world how incredible you are, show the world what you can do, but in all this do not let the troubles and pressures of life overwhelms you and you stop living when you are still alive.

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