By: Haja Hawa Koroma

Having a job, a career or a vocation is very important as it is a means to sustain one’s self and family members. But no Job should be more important than the family you are working hard to provide for.

So many people especially men, prioritizes their jobs over their wives and children. Some do not do this deliberately; some aren’t even aware that their priorities are misplaced because all they think of is that, they are working to build a sustainable and comfortable life for their family so they aren’t doing anything wrong.

Having a responsible man that cares about his family is a blessing, that’s why so many women do not complain or raise such issues because they feel like their husbands are working hard for them, and if all they do is complain about how they spend more time with their work than them, it would be unfair and their husbands might feel like they don’t appreciate them. So they keep quiet and smile, and leave the husband without a clue of what they really want.

As much as you are working hard to provide for your family, ensure to spend quality time with your family too. Because what they most times need is you. Some of you don’t even know your kids, their likes and dislikes and stuffs like that, because you don’t spend time with them.

Some of you as soon, as your kids hear you cars in the driveway they run to their rooms and pretend to study or sleep because they are not use to you, because you didn’t create a platform for them to bond with you, and as a parent that should be your priority not the job.

Some of you have made your wives to view you as a stranger. They walk on eggshells when they are around you, you don’t discuss much, you don’t create time to do fun stuffs together etc. Despite the fact that you may think your home is peaceful and well catered for because you and your wife don’t engage in fights or quarrels, but it isn’t. Because your wife needs more than your money, she needs love, affection and attention as well.

Some women also have this career problem, when they get focused on their jobs they forget about the needs of their family. Men are often verbal about these situations than women, that’s why some of these women end up getting divorced cause men are not tolerant the way women are.

Don’t get me wrong, women should have important careers too, but always ensure to prioritize your family above any career. Make time for your husband and kids, and let them feel your presence in the home.

Some may say this is easier said than done because certain careers forces you to give them priority over your family as they consume all your time and you have no choice but to give in.

This might be true but remember, your boss can always replace you at your job, they may fire you for any given reason and if anything happens to you like sickness or death, they always have options to replace you with.

But your family has only you, you are not easily replaceable by your family. They need you more than your job does cause they have only you. And when you are sick they will be the ones to take care of you.

So always prioritize your family, and take care of your health so you can live a healthy, long and happy life for them and with them.

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