June 17,2021

By: Ilyasa Baa

Special Representative of the President, Dr. Julius Maada Bio to the Productive Women Sierra Leone, Amb. Bond Wurie and head of the Legal Aid Board, Fatmata Clarie-Hanciles have showered praises on Moyamba women for embracing a non partisan organization for the development of their district.

Addressing thousands of women in Moyamba recently, the politician used the occasion to express the need for women to organise and be united for development to reach their doorstep. He said the women united will never be defeated adding that it pleases the President to see women united in the country for development.

Amb. Wurie said the women have made a gainful choice by choosing to join the Productive Women organzation which he described as one with a clear vision not like others that are head bent on politics. He noted that the essence of politcs is to develop the vulnerable in society such as the women, children and the less privileged in society.

He assured the women of lot of goodies that will be reaching them from time to time as long as they are united under one umbrella. He said his boss, President Bio has passion for women especially the productive ones.

Speaking on behalf of the Legal Aid Board, Fatmata Clara-Hanciles said the Productive Women organization is helping their work and making it easy for them by engaging the minds of Moyamba women.

She said with the organizational programmes, the women will be positively preoccupied and that will lead to reduction in the crime rate and the number of complaints to the board. She encouraged them to be law abiding and be cooperative to anything that brings peace and development.

Paramount Chief Foday Golama thanked the founders of the organization who happens to be four young Sierra Leoneans. He said the organization has brought smiles on the faces of their women both at chiefdom and district levels.

The Chief Executive Officer and one of the founders, Prince Coker said he is inspired to knock on doors in rallying for supports for the women. He said arrangements are underway for members of the organization to benefit from the ongoing legal migration programme noting that a good number of quota was allocated to them for NaCSA supports.

He added that a total of four million woman are targeted across the country noting that the organization will be launched in Kono and Port Loko district after the rainy season.

The Public Relations Officer of the Board of Directors, Hassan B. Sesay said Productive Women Sierra Leone is a force to reckon with. 

He said alleviating poverty amongst women requires a concerted effort and a multi-sectoral approach.

He called on women to organise themselves better for them to benefit from the olive branch they are spreading.

It could be recalled that the launching of the organization in Makeni, a week ago, brought together two thousand women and the organization, which is one of the largest in terms of membership is currently run by a board which is managing with the little resources they put together for administrative, transportation and other related expenditures for the progress of the organization.


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