In a significant development, President Dr. Julius Maada Bio has received a comprehensive report from the Tribunal tasked with investigating the conduct of former Auditor-General, Mrs. Lara Taylor-Pearce, and Deputy Auditor-General, Deputy Tamba Momoh. The report encompasses crucial facts, findings, and recommendations stemming from the exhaustive probe.

Chaired by the esteemed Honourable Justice Nyawo Finda Matturi-Jones, JSC Retired, the Tribunal has hailed President Bio’s adherence to constitutional provisions throughout the investigative process. Justice Matturi-Jones underscored the President’s commitment to upholding judicial independence and ensuring impartiality in the proceedings, citing specific clauses from Sierra Leone’s Constitution Act.

Acknowledging the gravity of the task at hand, President Bio extended gratitude to the Tribunal for its diligent efforts in executing a challenging mandate. He emphasized the paramount importance of adhering to constitutional principles, affirming that the rule of law must prevail above all else.

President Bio expressed confidence in the Tribunal’s integrity, affirming his belief that both the letter and spirit of the law were meticulously observed throughout the investigation. He pledged the government’s commitment to thoroughly review the report and take appropriate measures to address the matter conclusively.

The receipt of the Tribunal’s report marks a crucial step in the pursuit of accountability and transparency within Sierra Leone’s governance framework. As the nation awaits further developments, all eyes are on President Bio and his administration’s response to the findings laid out in the comprehensive document.

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State House Media and Communications Unit


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