By Audrey John

29yrs old Ibrahim Mohamed Kamara made another appearance before Magistrate Sahr Kekura of Pademba road court No.1 on one count charge to wit Murder contrary to law

According to the particulars of offence on Saturday 21st January 2022 at Ro-Theren village, Romendie chiefdom, PortLoko District the North West Region in Freetown murdered Alpha Sankoh

Led in evidence by sergeant 9939 Mohamed Lahai, Prosecution witness number four inspector Paul Amara Mackieu attached to the Criminal Investigation Department CID headquarters Pademba Road.

He said he knows the accused person on Wednesday 26th January 2022 whilst on duties at the said office he received a transfer case and enquiry file from the Lunsar police station for the offence of Murder with serial number 023/2022.

 The case of enquiry file contains statements and one old cutlass, one pair of scissor, one yellow wind breaker blood stain, two knives one old chain, one old sleeveless vest one old sandal, one un registered TVS motor bike he took the said items he handed over the said items to the exhibit clerk Issa Kamara attached at the Criminal Investigation Department CID headquarters Pademba Road exhibit office.

 On Monday 31st January 2022 himself and DPC 13274 Hassan Bangura attached at the said office went to the Mortuary home to witness the postmortem examination done by Dr Orwis Koroma.

The original cause of death certificate was given to the deceased family and the photo copy was left with the police for investigation.

 The photo copy cause of death certificate was produced and tendered in court and marked as exhibit N on the 18th February 2022 himself and Inspector Mohamed Kargbo charged the accused person with the offence of Murder Inspector Mohamed Kargbo cautioned and question the accused person in krio language and he recorded it in English language.

 The said statement was read to the accused person which he admitted to be true by afflicting his right hand thumb print witnessed by Inspector Mohamed Kargbo and he did the recording.

 The charge statement was in the custody of the police and it was tendered and marked as exhibit O1-2.

However, Magistrate Kekura refused bail and sent the accused person to the male correctional center in Freetown matter adjourned to the 20th April 2022 for further hearing.

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