By: Audrey Raymonda John

Ibrahim Mohamed Kalokoh was on Thursday 13th July 2023 sent to prison by Magistrate Mark Ngegba of Pademba road court No1 over the alleged Killing of Kabba Santigie Bangura former Lecturer at FBC.

The accused  Ibrahim M Kalokoh made his first appearance in court and was arraigned on one count charge of murder contrary to law.

According to the charge sheet, it was alleged that the accused on Monday 6th March 2023, in the Waterloo head quarter judicial district in the western Area Rural murdered Kabba Santigie Bangura.

When the charge was read to him, no plea was taken. No legal representation was made on his behalf.

Inspector Sellu Tap lead Prosecution witness number four Inspector Paul Amara Makieu said he recognized the accused person in the dock and he recalled on the 6th March 2023 whilst on duty at around 10:30 am the Homicide unit of the Criminal Investigation Department Headquarters Pademba Road Freetown received a transferred cash and enquiry file from the Central police station with an offence of missing person with C/R No.469/2023 containing abstract report request for the trace of call logs on registered sim number 076706699 and 073742578.

 Promulgating letter and document bearing the deceased photos and name one grey 4runner vehicle with registration number ASM 939, with five statement of the complainant witness and the accused person for the continuation of Investigation.

 The witness said in the transfered case of inquiry files the wife of the deceased accompanied by her brother in law, Adikalie Santigie Bangura reported that on the above date at around 18:00hr her husband the deceased Kabba Santigie Bangura got missing and his corpse was later discovered on Saturday 15th April 2023 at Shebro Town, Newton, off Waterloo and thereby suspected a foul play.

 The witness said on the 17th April 2023 Contemporaneous interview statements have been obtained from Michael Tamba Simbo and Deborah Simbo and they are with the police helping with Investigation.

 On the 18th a team of police officers including the scene of crime officer together with Doctor Simeon Owizz Koroma and the relative of the deceased went to conduct and witness the Autopsy which was later postponed to Wednesday 19th April 2023 due to unavoidable circumstances.

 The witness said on the 19th they took the body to the Connaught mortuary to conduct the postmortem to identify the cause of the deceased death.

 The witness said the accused person on the 17th of April the accused person was cautioned and questioned in krio language and it was recorded down in English language.

 the caution statement was produced and tendered in court to form part of the court records on the 19th April 2023.

 The accused person was charged with the offense of Murder the charge statement was produced and tendered in court to form part of the court records.

The witness was cross examined by the accused person.

Meanwhile Magistrate Ngegba sent the accused person to the male correctional center in Freetown matter adjourned to the 21st July 2023 for further hearing.

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