By: Audrey John

44yrs old Gershon Browne a photograph made his first appearance before Magistrate Sahr Kekura of Pademba road court No.1 in Freetown on two count charges to wit Wounding Contrary to section 20 of the offences against the person Act 1861 and Assault occasioning actual bodily harm contrary to section 47 of the offences against the person Act 1861.

According to the particulars of offence on Friday 10th September 2021 at No.4 Kargbo drive stone ground Tree planting the western area in Freetown maliciously wounded and Assaulted Steven Pratt in a manner thereby occasioning him actual bodily harm

The charges was read and explained to the accused person and pleaded not guilty all counts.  

Counsel representing the accused person Sigismund A Conteh applied for bail for and on behalf of the accused person that he is a Sierra Leonean ordinarily resident within this jurisdiction that the accused is not a flight risk nor will he interfere with prosecution witness or witnesses nor will he jump bail he made his application pursuant to section 79 3 of the Criminal procedure Act No.32 of 1965

Magistrate Kekura granted the accused person bail in the sum of one hundred million Leones or one surety in like sum surety in like sum surety must be elderly and responsible citizen the surety must be permanently resident in Freetown and should produce identity card depicting his or her address in Freetown bail to be approved by the Deputy Acting Registrar. Inspector Kadie M. Taylor Prosecuting the matter.

 Matter adjourned to the 13th April 2022 for future hearing.

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