The press conference held on March 15th, 2024, at the Living Word of Faith Outreach Ministry International, by the Pentecostal Fellowship of Sierra Leone (PFSL), highlighted the growing concerns regarding the escalating attacks on Pentecostal Churches in Sierra Leone. Bishop Akintayo Sam-Jolly, the President of PFSL, voiced these concerns, drawing attention to the deteriorating conditions surrounding the well-being and peaceful existence of Pentecostal Churches in the country.

Bishop Akintayo Sam-Jolly expressed grave concern over the increasing disenfranchisement of Churches and Ministers, coupled with a lack of recourse to justice for reported matters to the police. He outlined various issues faced by the Pentecostal Community in Sierra Leone, including the unlawful seizure of legally purchased lands, the infringement upon the freedom of worship, unjust legal proceedings against Christians, desecration of worship centers, arson, and the destruction of religious texts, among others.

Despite Sierra Leone’s reputation for religious tolerance and peaceful coexistence, Bishop Akintayo Sam-Jolly emphasized the need to address these challenges promptly and fairly. He stressed the importance of maintaining religious equality and preventing the situation from degenerating into what has occurred in other nations.

The PFSL appealed for calm and urged against individuals taking matters into their own hands. Instead, they called for justice and the establishment of redress mechanisms to address the grievances of the Pentecostal Community effectively. Bishop Akintayo Sam-Jolly requested an audience with relevant authorities to ensure that these concerns receive due attention and that past and ongoing issues are reviewed for an amicable settlement.

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