By: Problyn J. Alpha

Some of the guests on News review program on Radio New Song FM 91.3 in Kono District have said that the clandestine payment of what the referred to as “kick Backs” to certain individuals by some heads of schools after the payment of school subsides by the government of Sierra Leone through the Ministry of Education in Seriously disturbing the judicious use of the said school subsidies.

According to one of the guests, Mohamed  Ahmid Sidibay  the school subsidies which are paid to settle the administrative cost for the running of the schools concern, maintenance or construction of additional school structures, payment of stipend to volunteer teachers among many others are most times not correctly  utilized.

This is because some of the heads of schools concern do clandestinely use the lion share of the school subsides paid to pay kickbacks to certain individuals in the education sector and the school board in order to maintain and protect their positions at the detriment of the judicious use of the school subsidies paid.

Meanwhile, Arthur Kargbo another guest on News Review Programme, have pleaded with the government of Sierra Leone through the Ministry of Education to strictly monitor the use of the monies paid.

 He noted that the timely payment and judicious use of the much talked about school subsidies to government and government assisted schools are very crucial for the success of the Free Quality School education initiative in the country.

 Heads of schools concern when contacted refused to comment on the said issue for the fear of their positions not to be taken away from them.

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