By: Mohamed M. Sesay

Honorable Members of Parliament have on the 4th of April 2023, unanimously ratified a Partnership agreement between H2c Technologies and Government of Sierra Leone for modernization through efficient, autonomous, low-cost system by  respecting the environment without pollution and emissions of greenhouse gas of infrastructure at the level of stationery units (building).

The agreement also caters for the improvement of energy, communications, interior and exterior lighting and also public lighting, mobile units (vehicles and others), safe drinking water, and urban greenhouses for an annual production of fruits and vegetables.

The Minister of Environment Professor Foday Jaward, intimated Members of Parliament that government through his ministry, they ventured to go into two hundred thousand project aimed at improvement green energy. He said the project had the possibility to produce sixteen thousand oxygen.  

He added that the project would also produce electricity power plant.

Professor Jaward also disclosed that  the expected benefits of the agreement  include;  reduce  risk climate change, implementation of innovation  knowledge sector,  increase energy supply and production of electricity and thermal vehicles to be converted for optimal use.

The Minister of Environment acknowledged that the country is faced with fuel crisis of which the agreement is geared towards minimizing or addressing. He assured that the agreement is a big feed for Sierra Leone. He added that the agreement would ensure the massive production of energy and water. He assured that the agreement is a viable project adding that, the ministry would do its best in the implementation. He concluded by encouraging members of Parliament to speedily ratify the agreement.

The chairman of the Parliamentary Committee Hon. Yusuf  Mackey, said the agreement is not controversial and has the possibility to improve the energy sector. He added that the agreement would create low cost of green energy, and also reduce environmental hazards across the country.

Hon. Dr. Kaloko also confessed that the agreement is very good for the people of Sierra Leone.  He said since his first day in parliament that was the very first time an agreement with 50% share is allocated to the country. He added that the agreement would provide funds for government which would boost the economy. He concluded by appealing to all to Members of Parliament to speedily ratify the agreement.

Acting Leader of the main Opposition All People’s Congress Party Hon. Hassan Sesay, affirmed that the agreement caters for an improved energy sector with a joint venture agreement between Sierra Leone and Canadian. He said the agreement would provide green energy and efficient growth of the economy. He said the agreement is also geared towards improving on investment across the country.  He said they would not frown at the agreement especially when the agreement has the possibility to attract more investments.

He therefore, called on other Members of Parliament to ratify the agreement.

The Acting Leader of Government Business Hon. Bashiru Silikie, also nodded that the agreement is not controversial as the whole world is moving towards green energy. He expressed optimism for the partners to provide ecosystem for all. He also anticipated that once the agreement is ratified, the Ministry of environment would full implement the agreement for the benefit of the country. He concluded by calling on all Members of Parliament to expeditiously ratify the agreement.

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