By: Mohamed M. Sesay

The Sierra Leone Parliamentary Delegation to the African Caribbean Pacific-European Union Joint Parliamentary Assembly (ACP-EUJPA), headed by the Leader of Government Business Hon. Mathew S. Nyuma, has concluded  an oversight visit to all European Union Funded Project sites in Portloko and Bo. The delegation felt elated about the implementation of the projects.

The  project  locations visited by the delegation were; Shelenker Junior Secondary  School in  Portloko Town, Movement of Faith Islamic Junior Secondary School Gberay Junction, Mafoki Chiefdom; the  Ernest Bai Koroma Junior Secondary School Mafoki; the newly constructed Magbele Bridge along Masiaka-Rogbere Highway; the National Islamic Secondary School Gerihun. Baoma Chiefdom in Bo; the Tinkonko Secondary School Tikonko Town, Tikonko Chiefdom, and the Gondama Bridge in Bo respectively

 Hon. Nyuma admonished Head of Schools and stakeholders that the purpose of their visit was to monitor all EU funded projects whether completed or at implementation stage. He added that what is most important now is to re-examine the Cotonou Agreement. He therefore, revealed that the European Union Funded Projects are the many goodies emanating from the Post Cotonou Agreement.

Hon Nyuma also intimated the Principals of different schools that the recently constructed bridges, schools and hand dug wells funded by the European Union, are all components embedded in  the Cotonou and Post Cotonou  Agreements. The Leader of Government Business further admonished the Heads of Schools and Heads of Councils that the main purpose of their routine tour is to monitor and evaluate how far the EU funded projects have gone so far. He noted that as Member of the African Caribbean Parliament, they are very concerned about the projects in ensuring that the projects are implemented to the satiation of EU and the beneficiaries.

The Head of Delegation was very impressed with the schools and the bridges constructed by the European Union especially the  water facilities and sanitation provided at those schools. He expressed tremendous appreciations to the National Authorization Office and the respective District Councils for monitoring the projects.

“We do appreciate you all for being around, and monitoring the projects and also looking at how the projects were implemented. We have the responsibility to maintain the structures. How do we rehabilitate these structures? What do we do to maintain them? And how can we make them useable?  These projects should not be like white elephant projects but a projects that benefit our children and generations yet unborn. Let them come and see that this is what we have done for them as stakeholders”, he appealed. 

Hon. Nyuma also encouraged the Districts Councils to be very proactive in monitoring how the facilities are handled by the beneficiaries. Unlike Parliament, Hon. Nyuma acknowledged that the councils are basically there to implement development activities. He added that Parliament on the other hand, is to provide oversight for those projects implemented in various councils for the greater good of Sierra Leone. He made a clarion call on the council not to be in hesitant of highlighting any deficiency they might discover around the projects.

As Members of the Africa Caribbean Parliament, Hon. Aaron Koroma  also reminded that the role of Parliament is very key among which is to provide oversight on government and donor funded projects. He also noted that their oversight as Member of the African Caribbean Parliament has a minute deference from others. He furthered that whenever they meet at the joint Parliamentary Assemble in Brussels, they would present a report to the European Union with specifically on European Union Funded Projects. He therefore, re-echoed that the fundamental reason for the tour across all European Union Project sites, was to scrutinize the projects and see where lapses for possible and instantaneous remedy.

The Leader of the Coalition for Change Party Hon. Saa Emerson Lamina also reiterated that the purpose of the oversight was to monitor all the European Union Funded Projects. He also noted that the recently constructed schools and bridges by the European Union were as a result of the post Cotonou Agreement. He added that they wanted to know how the projects have positively   impacted the people of Portloko and Bo.  And also to evaluate the challenges people are going through from the projects for possible redress. He assured that after the oversight, they will channel a recommendation to  the Joint Parliamentary Assembly in Brussels indicating deficiency of the projects if any.

The Deputy Director of the Ministry of Basic and Senior Secondary School Education in Portloko, Alpha Deen Bangura, commended such intervention by the delegation of the African Caribbean Parliament. With such intervention, he said the people at community level would feel the impact of the projects. As a Ministry responsible for Education, Alpha Deen Bangura disclosed that they were in dire need for classrooms especially when the Free Quality Education increased school enrolments. He therefore, assured the delegation that the construction of additional classrooms and Library at the Shelenker Junior Secondary School in Portloko Town was very timely.

The Chief Administrator for Portloko District Council Arthur Allieu, also commended the intervention of the European Union which geared towards improving on access to education in the district. He acknowledged that for them as council, they are service delivery entities even though the projects were funded by European Union implemented by the National Authorization Office. He expressed delight that the council is the direct beneficiary of the projects irrespective of who funded or who implemented those projects.

On behalf of the  Board of Governors, Staff and Pupils of  Sheleker Junior Secondary School Portloko,  the Principal  Alimamy Santigie Mansary, expressed gratitude to the European Union and Members of Parliament for their intervention  in ensuring that the EU projects are under close monitoring. He intimated that the project has created tremendous impact in terms of increase in school enrolment. He assured that the newly constructed buildings and the rehabilitated buildings would add the needed value to the Free Quality Education.

The Principal for the National Islamic Secondary School Gerihun, Alhaji Calipha Hussein Conteh, also lavished praises on the European Union and the ACP Parliamentary Delegation. He intimated that pupils are benefiting from the project tremendously including Persons Living with Disabilities. He added that the construction of ram facilities at the school have created easy access for Persons with Disabilities. He also intimated that the solar light facilities in the school are very functional and efficacious. He added that the school used to suffer from acute water crises. But with the hand dug water well-constructed by the European Union, coupled with the provision of Miller Tanks, has ameliorated water facility in the school. 

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