By: Audrey John

Town Chief of Mile 36 Village has on Wednesday 23 March 2022, dragged to Court by one Pastor Paul Morris for destroying his Church. The accused appeared before Magistrate Sahr Kekura of Pademba Road Court No.1 in Freetown on two counts ranging from trespass contrary to Section 15 (1) of the Public Order Act No 46 of 1965 and malicious damage contrary to Section 51 of the malicious damage Act 1861.

According to the charge sheet for count 1, the accused Santigie Manika Kamara (Town Chief), on Thursday 20th August 2021, at Mile 36 Village Koya Chiefdom, Portloko, Northern Province did unlawfully entered into the land of the complainant Pastor Paul Morris when required not to do so. Whereas,

Count 2 states that, the accused on the same date and place maliciously damaged a concrete Church structure value thirty million eight hundred and thirty five thousand Leones, property of Deeper Life Bible Church.

Sixth Prosecution witness (PW6) Sergeant 9182 Mohamed Sorie Mansaray attached to the Criminal Investigation Department Mile 38 police station said he knew the complainant and recalled the 20th August 2021. PW6 said he was on duty at the said police station and whilst on duty the complainant made a report against the accused person of malicious damage. 

He said himself and the complainant went to the scene of crime and on their arrival the complainant directed him to a building under construction, which was totally damaged the walls under construction was broken apart. He added that he took out his Techno Spark 5 phone and took pictures of the Crime scene, and he later developed the photos in to photographs. Both the phone and the photographs were produced and tendered in court and marked as Exhibit E1-4. 

 Defense Counsel T. Beah Esq cross examined the witness.

Bail continues for the accused person and matter was adjourned to the 5th April 2021 for further hearing.

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